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Coverage maps updated to 7/23


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As long as you get decent native (not roaming) 1x recpetion inside the house, you shouldn't need the airrave if your phones all can use wifi for their data. Airraves are really only useful for providing a 3G connection. They are never going to make an LTE airrave because it would simply be easier/cheeper to do wifi callilng.


Not exactly an Airave...but nonetheless, does the same thing:



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But that is not made to be a signal booster. It's a home router with its own service plan. You can't connect to it with your Sprint device that has unlimited data and expect to be able to use unlimited data. It's completely different than an Airave.



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But that is not made to be a signal booster. It's a home router with its own service plan. You can't connect to it with your Sprint device that has unlimited data and expect to be able to use unlimited data. It's completely different than an Airave.




Thanks for pointing that out. I must've forgot.

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Thanks for pointing that out. I must've forgot.

Your statement was that it is "Not exactly an Airave... but nonetheless, does the same thing". It doesn't do the same thing. It does something completely different.



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