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Framily plan with room!!


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If anyone wants to save some money you can join my Framily plan. It still has plenty of room. My 

framilt ID is : c00915382NG


I'd join, but as an existing customers I can't join other Framily's -_-

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Hmmm I'll have to look into this some more!  What do you know about it?


You have to call to see if you're eligible, and you generally need the full account number (or phone number) from a line in another Framily.

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You have to call to see if you're eligible, and you generally need the full account number (or phone number) from a line in another Framily.


Great I'll give Sprint a call later today. Thanks for the heads up!

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Thread Temporarily Locked.


To prevent hundreds of Framily Plan ID threads popping up, the staff will be discussing a solution to everyone's Framily ID posts.


We know everyone wants to save the money, but give us a chance to figure out how to handle it safely for the community and S4GRU.


As of today, there are no issues on having the ID in your signature.


Standby for official announcement. Thank you.

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After discussion with staff, there will be a thread created for Framily IDs later this afternoon. To help protect the S4GRU community, it will be housed in a sponsor section, so your info is not out for all of the world for just anyone to see.


We understand that the requirement of being a sponsor to see it will provide less eyes to see your ID, but we'd rather protect our community as much as possible from just anyone posting information with no obligation to your safety. As well as there are other sites outside of S4GRU that houses Framily IDs, if you'd rather your ID be in a open community.


Any new Framily ID threads created will be closed or merged as seen fit. Please see that thread later this afternoon for further details.

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