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Is Kenneth Still Around??


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I just finished reading the very informative 2 part article "What's the Frequency, Kenneth" regarding how to determine the exact frequency your phone is tuned to but I have a question.


Everything pertains to an OFFSET from the beginning frequency in the block.  Is there any way to determine which PCS FREQUENCY BLOCK your phone is using?

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Yes, I think I know where to find Kenneth.



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I just finished reading the very informative 2 part article "What's the Frequency, Kenneth" regarding how to determine the exact frequency your phone is tuned to but I have a question.


Everything pertains to an OFFSET from the beginning frequency in the block. Is there any way to determine which PCS FREQUENCY BLOCK your phone is using?

Okay, I found Kenneth. He had been sleeping. But I woke him up, and this is what he told me.


If you are referring to 3GPP2 (i.e. CDMA2000) band class 1 PCS 1900 MHz carrier channel assignments versus PCS A-F license blocks, you can use the following ranges:

  • PCS A block = 25-275
  • PCS D block = 325-375
  • PCS B block = 425-675
  • PCS E block = 725-775
  • PCS F block = 825-875
  • PCS C block = 925-1175
The wild cards are carrier channel assignments 300, 400, 700, 800, and 900. Those are centered precisely between two adjacent license blocks. Thus, they are potentially valid assignments only if the same licensees hold both adjacent blocks. And that makes them fairly rare, though Kenneth said he has spotted a few in the wild. See an example below:





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