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Dish trying to stop Sprint from obtaining more spectrum


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I wouldn't be disappointed in Sprint at all for not winning the auction. All the new equipment they would need, lack of backward compatibility, only 5mhz FDD... I say save the money for the 600mhz auction and for more small cells at 2600mhz.


I think Sprint would wait for new panels that can support the PCS H and 600 MHz and new RRUs that would support PCS H and another RRU that would support 600 MHz before updating its Network Vision equipment.  Even if Sprint wins the PCS H licenses, it still can't deploy the spectrum right away anyways since the equipment isn't available.  Also the 600 MHz auction should be held by late 2014 or early 2015 at the latest.

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Yes.  The only way it makes sense is if Sprint can pick it up at a discount or non-inflated price.  With Dish sitting on billions and running out of time to actually put their assets to use, let them pay market value or more for the H Block.  Charlie will be nuzzling up to ATT or Sprint soon enough, begging for a deployment partner.


 This more than sums up the challenges of deploying and using the H block  http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/4112-pcs-h-block-spectrum-discussion-was-draft-rules-for-h-block-auction-set-by-fcc/page-2?hl=+block%20+new%20+band


So if we have to have new site equipment and new devices to put the H block to use (and will NEVER see it deployed 10 x 10), would we rather Sprint pay too much for it or would we rather sprint pay too much for lower band spectrum in the coming years? 


In order for the PCS H block to make sense for Dish is if he can use it as part of a 25MHzx5MHz supplemental download. That assumes that he is able to wrest control of the Lightsquared spectrum from Falcone and then combines that with the 2180-2200 spectrum, thereby allowing him to redesignate the 2000-2020Hz as downlink. That's a lot of ifs and it will take time to do, lonager than January 14th. Will he gamble and bid high for PCS H, hoping everything else falls into place? And if he's successful, will he find a buyer for the 25MHzx5MHz spectrum. Mean while the clock is ticking on the deployment of his S-Band spectrum. 


Even if he is successful, I don't think he wants to be the 5th mobile carrier in a mature market. He can try to merge with T-Mobile, Sell the spectrum or trade it for hosting discounts and or EBS spectrum.

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Even if he is successful, I don't think he wants to be the 5th mobile carrier in a mature market. He can try to merge with T-Mobile, Sell the spectrum or trade it for hosting discounts and or EBS spectrum.

Since Ergen mentioned the sale of Dish when he was discussing what might happen if his Sprint bid failed, I have considered him more of an investor than anything else. I think Charlie may be hoping to assemble an undeniable spectrum portfolio as a way to augment the overall value of Dish and force a buyer who wants the spectrum to take the whole ship. Remember, he imagines himself the king of thieves, the penny looter who is never happy unless someone else is at a disadvantage or pays too much. If he dreams about selling dish for a huge premium, he sees anyone else who buys spectrum at market value or less as his foe


Sent from my Note II. Its so big.


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