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Developed New Game


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Hey Guys,


A game I have been working on for a few weeks just launched in the Play Store.  It is a slider based ball bouncing game, that will probably be much funner on a tablet or Note, than a normal sized phone lol.  Anyways, I am just hoping that you guys could download and rate it just to support another member of this forum.  The game has taking considerable more time to make that I thought it would, and I am hoping to get a decent launch from it. 


The app is free to download and is ad-supported.  I'm trying to live off of my app revenue since I am now pursuing a M.S. in Computer Science in a new city, so if you guys could throw this on your kids tablet or tablet I would greatly appreciate it (it's completely E rated). 


Also, if you feel so inclined, I'd really appreciate it if you guys could throw up a quick review if you have the time.  It helps with the Play Store SEO.


Thanks so much for your guys help!

Download app: http://bit.ly/17yLejE



2013-09-05 02.07.34.png

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Nice simple design. Like it.


Couldn't exit the game. Had to hit home and kill the task. Maybe it was a bunch of the permissions that Xprivacy blocked. Kinda surprised at some of them to be honest.


Could you make it where the controls use the screen? Kinda hard to see what you are doing as you tilt the screen to move.

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Nice simple design. Like it.


Couldn't exit the game. Had to hit home and kill the task. Maybe it was a bunch of the permissions that Xprivacy blocked. Kinda surprised at some of them to be honest.


Could you make it where the controls use the screen? Kinda hard to see what you are doing as you tilt the screen to move.


Yeah I actually have the coded in there for devices to use when the tilt function is unresponsive or not present.  I could easily make a menu where you switch control modes.

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Nice simple design. Like it.


Couldn't exit the game. Had to hit home and kill the task. Maybe it was a bunch of the permissions that Xprivacy blocked. Kinda surprised at some of them to be honest.


Could you make it where the controls use the screen? Kinda hard to see what you are doing as you tilt the screen to move.


Was actually looking forward to you trying this out.  I knew you would have some great feedback!

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Hey Guys,


A game I have been working on for a few weeks just launched in the Play Store.  It is a slider based ball bouncing game, that will probably be much funner on a tablet or Note, than a normal sized phone lol.  Anyways, I am just hoping that you guys could download and rate it just to support another member of this forum.  The game has taking considerable more time to make that I thought it would, and I am hoping to get a decent launch from it. 


The app is free to download and is ad-supported.  I'm trying to live off of my app revenue since I am now pursuing a M.S. in Computer Science in a new city, so if you guys could throw this on your kids tablet or tablet I would greatly appreciate it (it's completely E rated). 


Also, if you feel so inclined, I'd really appreciate it if you guys could throw up a quick review if you have the time.  It helps with the Play Store SEO.


Thanks so much for your guys help!


Download app: http://bit.ly/17yLejE


A few suggestions:  Double-check your description and proof it for grammar mistakes.  And, include some instructions.  It took me a moment to figure out how to control it (maybe even give other methods of controlling).  Lastly, provide a way to exit the game.  I know how Android works with suspended apps, and that it isn't a big deal to hit the Home button to exit, but most people don't know that and are used to hitting the back button or the menu button to get an option to exit.


Graphics and gameplay are smooth.  Definitely would be better on a tablet, but it is playable on an S4, since it has a big screen.


Thanks, and good luck!


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A few suggestions:  Double-check your description and proof it for grammar mistakes.  And, include some instructions.  It took me a moment to figure out how to control it (maybe even give other methods of controlling).  Lastly, provide a way to exit the game.  I know how Android works with suspended apps, and that it isn't a big deal to hit the Home button to exit, but most people don't know that and are used to hitting the back button or the menu button to get an option to exit.


Graphics and gameplay are smooth.  Definitely would be better on a tablet, but it is playable on an S4, since it has a big screen.


Thanks, and good luck!



Ah the grammar always gets me.  I'll have a look-see at it and add some more descriptive instructions.  Thanks!

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Was actually looking forward to you trying this out. I knew you would have some great feedback!

Will have more time than a few minutes to play it later and I will do a proper test and emailI write up. I am not too much of a gamer on my phone but I do like the simple little games that don't take 20 minutes to play.

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