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Android now approaching 50% of OS market share


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What is interesting to me is that Google growth seems to be at the expense of BB, MS, and Palm, but not Apple. Check out how everyone declines other than Apple. I do not think Apple is losing any more customers to Google than Google is losing to Apple. Anyone else have info?




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It makes sense, the smart phone market is reaching maturity, so with the failure of the other OS's:webOS, Meego,Bada (Maybe BB10 after this fall) and Windows gaining traction but not much, most consumers are picking Android or Apple due to lack (In my opinion) visibility in the market. The Big Two are cannibalizing from the others.

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Google still growing faster though....as expected with # devices out there. Wonder if kindle fire and those even count in these studies as they kinda run android but really don't at all as they are not Google devices and have no Google framework or Google apps....


Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk

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