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Can't do PRL/Profile/Firmware update

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arrgh I googled this problem and found some people that had the same problem and a person said they did ##72786# and it fixed it for him. I did the same and my phone rebooted and when it came back it tried to do the activation which keeps failing and retrying and failing etc. I cant make any calls and dont have internet. Lesson learned...

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arrgh I googled this problem and found some people that had the same problem and a person said they did ##72786# and it fixed it for him. I did the same and my phone rebooted and when it came back it tried to do the activation which keeps failing and retrying and failing etc. I cant make any calls and dont have internet. Lesson learned...


Did you try connecting to Wi-Fi and doing the activation?

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It's possible there is a provisioning issue, or your account network-side isn't setup properly. I'm not at work, so I can't check if there is/was an issue today.


Do you have any other phones on the account? Are they working properly? Have you tried calling into Care to see if there are any outages or anything wrong with your account?


Are you sure you paid your bill, or maybe you are over your spending limit? :P I think you'd be surprised how often this is the culprit. Even with customers that have always paid it on time in the past. We all forget things occasionally.

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i used to have this problem on my Epic 4G. Has been awhile so I cant remember what the fix was.


Are you connected to an Airave by chance? I do remember certain activations would not work when connected to an Airave.

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Sorry I didnt provide an update to this thread.


The way I was able to fix it was by canceling the activation thing that came up by itself every time I rebooted and I went to settings and went to the "activate this device" and that worked.


I stil cant update PRL, Profile or Firmware though! Same error !?

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