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Contract ends Feb 1 in Springfield, MO - should I bail?

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My kids attend college in Springfield and get absolutely horrible service on Sprint. Our contract ends Feb. 1. Should I give up on Springfield getting better? It just continually gets worse. The only thing is that Sprint is a much better deal for us cost wise.....but if they aren't going to fix it within a few months? Does anyone have any idea when there will be improvement there? Thanks!

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You need to do whatever is best for your family. Sprint is in the process of upgrading almost every tower in its entire network and will be done sometime in the next year. No one can guarantee when the towers you connect to are going to be upgraded, but there are maps of sites in progress for the S4GRU sponsors who donate money to help keep the site going. You might see some towers already in progress in the area or you might not.


Sprint shutting down the old Nextel Network in June and reusing that spectrum for voice calling will make a huge difference in coverage for sites that are ready. Chicago is already reusing a section of Nextel spectrum for voice calls because they are spectrum constrained.


This is a forum for maintaining information about the Network Vision upgrade, not complaining about Sprint's coverage, please remember that when posting. If you have specific towers or areas of concern, you need to contact Sprint support and open a trouble ticket.

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My kids attend college in Springfield and get absolutely horrible service on Sprint. Our contract ends Feb. 1. Should I give up on Springfield getting better? It just continually gets worse. The only thing is that Sprint is a much better deal for us cost wise.....but if they aren't going to fix it within a few months? Does anyone have any idea when there will be improvement there? Thanks!


A quick glance at the network vision completed maps shows that there are a few towers that have already been upgraded(3g only), so work is being done. If you consider becoming a sponsor you will have access to information that will answer your questions much better than sprint ever could. In the mean time you can also follow the official Missouri market thread.



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