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Question about upgrading


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Hi, I recently purchased my Evo 4G LTE back in may, and I want to get the Galaxy Note II when its released.


After upgrading, and having my old phone, am I able to sell it? Or will be only be able to be activated to my sprint account?



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Once you buy the new phone, and activate it over your current line. Your EVO LTE should be free to sell/give to another Sprint customer.

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If you have multiple lines, you can upgrade any of them and let another user have the new phone on your plan.. If that line has not used its upgrade, it can be used by another user on your plan.. The only thing is that contract terms of that line are effective at the time of its upgrade... I have that situation now where one of my lines has had its upgrade used by another family member and the upgrade clock restarted on that line then... This is generally done for free for you at the stores..

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If you have multiple lines, you can upgrade any of them and let another user have the new phone on your plan.. If that line has not used its upgrade, it can be used by another user on your plan.. The only thing is that contract terms of that line are effective at the time of its upgrade... I have that situation now where one of my lines has had its upgrade used by another family member and the upgrade clock restarted on that line then... This is generally done for free for you at the stores..


I believe you got confused on what I was asking, I had used my upgrade when I bought my EVO LTE... and now I want to upgrade to another phone, so i'm using another line's upgrade on my account.


Will I be able to sell my EVO on like ebay, or craigslist.... Or is the phone locked to my account and can only be activated on my account until May of 2014?

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I believe you got confused on what I was asking' date=' I had used my upgrade when I bought my EVO LTE... and now I want to upgrade to another phone, so i'm using another line's upgrade on my account.


Will I be able to sell my EVO on like ebay, or craigslist.... Or is the phone locked to my account and can only be activated on my account until May of 2014?[/quote']


Your question was answered above. Yes you can. As long as your phone bill is current and you activate your new phone, then the old one can be sold, even if under contract. It's not the device that is under contract, it's the service. And now that service is tied to the new device on the line.


You can get an upgrade on one line and activate that new phone on any of your lines. I do that all the time. I have four lines and I keep all the upgrades for myself.


Robert via Samsung Galaxy S-III 32GB using Forum Runner

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I guess your family gets your "hand me downs"???? ha ha....


Yes they do!! "Daddy needs the newest devices. He runs a blog."


Seriously though, my 16 year old and 12 year old are lucky to have smartphones, the way I see it. One has an EVO 3D, the other a EVO 4G. Way more than sufficient. And since I work and pay the bills, I figure mommy and daddy can have the upgrades. ;)


I will be adding a line this year for Child #3. Another upgrade opportunity for me!


Robert via CM9 Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

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