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RRU Questions

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1) How far away have we seen RRUs from the panels? Curious as some of the sites I've visited appear to have boxes on the tower grid itself and not mounted on the back of the panels as other confirmed LTE sites have. Will have to revisit with binoculars to confirm via cabling (making sure they are radios and not just all-weather enclosures), but I was curious if Sprint was using a standard OEM model of panels+RRUs.


2) Do any other carriers currently use RRUs? When identifying Sprint vs Tmo/ATT/Vz on a tower, are RRUs a dead-giveaway of Sprint LTE or do other carriers/technologies use them as well?


Answers might be FAQ material...

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1) How far away have we seen RRUs from the panels? Curious as some of the sites I've visited appear to have boxes on the tower grid itself and not mounted on the back of the panels as other confirmed LTE sites have. Will have to revisit with binoculars to confirm via cabling (making sure they are radios and not just all-weather enclosures), but I was curious if Sprint was using a standard OEM model of panels+RRUs.


2) Do any other carriers currently use RRUs? When identifying Sprint vs Tmo/ATT/Vz on a tower, are RRUs a dead-giveaway of Sprint LTE or do other carriers/technologies use them as well?


Answers might be FAQ material...


T-Mobile and AT&T currently use RRU's as well.

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AT&T already uses RRU, tmobile is also using(starting) with its new network upgrades. Depending on tower and partner for sprint the RRU can be mounted on the tower structure and not just behind the panel. The RRU purpose is to move radio from ground like older tower setup to the tower itself near antenna. Benefit is less power loss and better/stronger signals

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This is a site done by Ericsson sub contractors:




From what I've seen they are always directly behind the large NV panel.


I think there are some of Alca-Lu and Samsung work in the gallery here.


Edit- This video here gives you a good look at the RRUs.

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Good stuff. Missed those threads apparently. Digiblur: I saw those pics when he first posted them on G+ (taken in this area), but didn't have the backstory you provided here. Explains a lot, thanks.


Need to remember to keep the telephoto with me so I can look closer.

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