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I recall reading it being 45 days somewhere because they take breaks and don't work on weekends? So is it consecutive 3 weeks or 21 days of actual work, over a period of ~45 days?


I doubt the 45 days. I have seen them erect a brand new tower in that time.


Sent from my C64 w/Epyx FastLoad cartridge

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I recall reading it being 45 days somewhere because they take breaks and don't work on weekends? So is it consecutive 3 weeks or 21 days of actual work, over a period of ~45 days?


The only time I've ever seen "45 days" in relation to Network Vision is site de-installs. It was originally plan that legacy equipment would be removed 45 days after Network Vision work is completed.



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The only time I've ever seen "45 days" in relation to Network Vision is site de-installs. It was originally plan that legacy equipment would be removed 45 days after Network Vision work is completed.



this fills me with happiness. Means lte won't take as long to install as I had originally thought.
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I wouldn't hold your breath. Unless you can go out and find said tower and see they have been doing work on it.


Haha, CSR's blaming everything on NV now. reminds me when i was traveling through pakistan and india after college, and the whole world was transfixed about Skylab falling to earth. It seemed that everything was being blamed on skylab, as "we dont have the room ready", or after taking so long for our dinner order to arrive, it was always "because of skylab" -- then I realized the whole staff was watching tiny television in the back waiting for Skylab to fall from the sky and end human existence as they knew it. Luckily Network Vision is less dramatic impact.


So it is now with Network Vision when you call Sprint customer care -- every possible network problem is because Network Vision work is being done. I guess if it works to get folks off the phone. For me I just move to a different spot to use my Sprint phone,...or even use my wireline phone sometimes. :-)

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