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Sprint ETF's


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Actually, the contract is up in April, so we are close. But paying $50 for an ETF is cheaper than keeping active service for the next 2 months, that is why I'm asking. Clear has a better deal on 4G for $35/month unlimited.

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Clear doesn't throttle very much since I use it already (if you use more than like 3 or 4GB in a day, the rest of the day is slower data but resets the next day), and they stopped making customers sign contracts late last year. Prepaid carrier only now. The only thing I don't like about that is the modems and hot spots are full price now.

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Sprint changed ETF policies to a pro-rated form a short time after he took over. it was one of those customer service ideas he had to show Sprint was innovative and to break out of the mold from the other three. I think he also made the policy of being able to make changes to your contract w/o having another two years tacked on. I know that drove me crazy when I was with AT&T.

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