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Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands is scheduled to be in the Second Round of Sprint Network Vision/LTE Deployment in 2012...or is it sooner???

by Robert Herron Sprint 4G Rollout Updates Saturday, March 10, 2012 - 5:05 PM MST   Today, Sprint 4G Rollout Updates is prepared to tell you about another Round Two market in Sprint's Network Vision/LTE deployment plans for 2012. Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. More specifically, Sprint's PR/VI market.   Sprint's schedule calls for this market to be a Round Two market. But is it actually a Second Round market? Sprint's original deployment plan from last year had the Puerto Rico mar



FCC ready to give Sprint official go ahead on SMR 800 MHz wideband operation

by Andrew J. Shepherd Sprint 4G Rollout Updates Friday, March 9, 2012 - 1:15 PM MST   Sprint may soon be gaining some clarity regarding its Network Vision plans to deploy CDMA1X Advanced to replace Nextel iDEN in its rebanded SMR 800 MHz spectrum. The FCC today announced a proposed rulemaking that would explicitly allow SMR 800 MHz licensees (e.g. Sprint, SouthernLINC, and a few others) to utilize greater than 25 kHz channel spacing.   Currently, Part 90 SMR 800 MHz rules and regulations



Philadelphia & Southern Connecticut are scheduled to be in the Second Round of Sprint Network Vision/LTE Deployment in 2012

by Robert Herron Sprint 4G Rollout Updates Friday, March 8, 2012 - 5:01 AM MST   Ready for some more announcements? We are now prepared to tell you about two more Round Two markets in Sprint's Network Vision/LTE deployment plans for 2012. Philadelphia and Southern Connecticut! The Sprint Philadelphia Metro market includes most of Southeast Pennsylvania and the Southern Connecticut market is the whole western third, and southwestern corner of the state.   Sprint's Network Vision vendor A



WiMax devices are going on the cheap! Does it make sense for anyone to buy one?

by Jeff Foster Sprint 4G Rollout Updates Thursday, March 8, 2012 - 4:30 PM MST   Hearken back to April 2010 when Sprint announced the HTC EVO 4G and thus, became the first carrier to introduce a 4G device. Oh, the excitement! It was 4G WiMax, but who cared? Not many thought LTE would be such an overwhelmingly dominant 4G technology so quickly in the future. Of course, we later learned that WiMax didn’t pan out in America in the way Sprint had hoped.   LTE has now become the glo



Sprint has a new Airave product out that are free to customers with indoor coverage problems

by Robert Herron Sprint 4G Rollout Updates Thursday, March 8, 2012 - 1:00 PM MST   Suffer from indoor coverage issues? Need a personal Sprint femtocell to supplant your indoor Sprint coverage? Enter in the Sprint Airave Access Point.   Sprint is running a new pilot program. Telesales will be letting new customers know they can get a free Airave if they have indoor coverage issues. Customers will be directed to sprint.com/airaveaccesspoint to order. Sprint has created a special team to



Nashville & New Orleans are scheduled to be in the Second Round of Sprint Network Vision/LTE Deployment in 2012

by Robert Herron Sprint 4G Rollout Updates Wednesday, March 7, 2012 - 2:01 PM MST   Ready for some more announcements? We are now prepared to tell you about two more Round Two markets in Sprint's Network Vision/LTE deployment plans for 2012. Music City and the Big Easy! The Nashville market engulfs all of Eastern Tennessee and the New Orleans market is the whole eastern section of Louisiana.   Sprint's Network Vision vendor Ericsson will likely begin Network Vision and LTE deployment in



New Network Vision/LTE Deployment details and Central Jersey market work is under way with several sites live!

by Robert Herron Sprint 4G Rollout Updates Tuesday, March 6, 2012 - 7:46 PM MST   Exciting breaking news from the S4GRU.com News Desk. Yesterday, I received a tip that Network Vision/LTE Deployment was under way in a market that S4GRU had not yet announced (although we were just about to). An unnamed S4GRU Reader contacted me and said they had witnessed Network Vision work under way in the Freehold area of Central New Jersey. Better yet, he talked with an engineer at one of the sites and



Austin & Charlotte are scheduled to be in the Second Round of Sprint Network Vision/LTE Deployment in 2012

by Robert Herron Sprint 4G Rollout Updates Monday, March 5, 2012 - 12:01 AM MST   Today, Sprint 4G Rollout Updates is prepared to tell you about two relatively early Round Two markets in Sprint's Network Vision/LTE deployment plans for 2012. Austin and Charlotte. Encompassing large sections of Central Texas and Western North Carolina.   Sprint's Network Vision vendor Ericsson will likely begin Network Vision and LTE deployment in the Austin market and Alcatel/Lucent in the Charlotte mark



Portland, Oregon is scheduled to be in the Second Round of Sprint Network Vision/LTE Deployment in 2012

by Robert Herron Sprint 4G Rollout Updates Saturday, March 3, 2012 - 5:49 PM MST   Today, Sprint 4G Rollout Updates is prepared to tell you about another Round Two market in Sprint's Network Vision/LTE deployment plans for 2012. Portland, Oregon. More specifically, Sprint's Oregon/SW Washington market.   Sprint's Network Vision vendor Samsung will likely begin Network Vision and LTE deployment in the Oregon/SW Washington market in 2012. This is not an imminent start in the next few week



Seattle & Grand Rapids are scheduled to be in the Second Round of Sprint Network Vision/LTE Deployment in 2012

by Robert Herron Sprint 4G Rollout Updates Friday, March 2, 2012 - 9:31 AM MST   Today, Sprint 4G Rollout Updates is prepared to tell you about two more Round Two markets in Sprint's Network Vision/LTE deployment plans for 2012. West Washington and West Michigan. But please Detroiters, don't flood my inbox with your angry hate letters. I didn't pick it!!! And don't fret, I see Detroit coming up on my To Do List.   Sprint's Network Vision vendor Samsung will likely begin Network Vision



Clearwire…a little LTE plastic surgery and suddenly the Belle of the Ball?

by Robert Herron Sprint 4G Rollout Updates Wednesday, February 29, 2012 - 5:37 PM MST   Clearwire. Clearwire. Clearwire! Clearwire!!! And Dan Hesse wakes up. Clearwire has often been the bain of Sprint’s existence. Once hopeful adopted child. Then run amok with its own plans, disregarding everything its Daddy taught them. And then prodigal child returning home. And now Clearwire is out of wireless rehab with its new CEO Eric Prusch and trying to get things turned around. And its f



Sprint wants to know if you can hear me now in Atlanta???

by Robert Herron Sprint 4G Rollout Updates Wednesday, February 29, 2012 - 12:28 PM MST   Did you hear? Sprint is claiming that the 3G Network is now enhanced in Atlanta! Does that mean Network Vision upgrades are complete and live on PCS 1900? What are they saying here? Their press release is vague and going to mislead many people!   Sprint is just championing temporary upgrades that have been completed. The band-aid fixes that were shown on network.sprint.com for the past four months



Sprint knows the way to San Jose! Sprint's South Bay market will receive Network Vision/LTE Deployment in the Second Round

by Robert Herron Sprint 4G Rollout Updates Wednesday, February 29, 2012 - 3:00 AM MST   Will Dionne Warwick be invited to Sprint's Launch Party in San Jose? Who knows? But Sprint 4G Rollout Updates can tell you that the first market in the Second Round of Network Vision/LTE Deployment in 2012 is Sprint's South Bay market. Which is in the heart of the Silicon Valley. We can definitely see why this is a priority to Sprint.   Sammy wants to bring some LTE Tech to California's Tech Capital



What’s going on with Android's Jelly Bean?

by Jeff Foster Sprint 4G Rollout Updates Tuesday, February 28, 2012 - 6:44 AM MST   Everyone’s heard about Androids fragmented ecosystem, well we’re about to get some more. Jelly Bean, the new Android version 5.0 is coming, and soon. Some rumors suggest that Google’s next update may be coming out as soon as this summer.   The first word about Jelly Bean was back in September 2011. There was just the announcement of the name and little else. In fact, so little information was released t



What you've all been waiting for...Pics from a Network Vision site in Marengo, Illinois

by Robert Herron Sprint 4G Rollout Updates Monday, February 27, 2012 - 7:01 PM MST   "Ladies and Gentlemen - We got him!"   That is assuming Network Vision sites are masculine. What you all have been waiting for. Real, true, bona fide Network Vision site photos! S4GRU Member runagun drove out to Marengo, Illinois in the Sprint Chicago market to check out some Network Vision action for himself. He had been seeing the reports on S4GRU.com about Network Vision in his area, and maybe even



Mo Money! Mo Money! Sprint is looking to sell $2 Billion in debt to help fund Clearwire and other notable expenses

by Robert Herron Sprint 4G Rollout Updates Monday, February 27, 2012 - 6:01 PM MST   Our beloved Sprint today announced that it is putting up for sale $2 Billion in notes to help pay its struggling partner in crime, Clearwire. Sprint also plans to refinance some other debts coming due and pay additional unnamed network upgrades with the proceeds.   Sprint only recently raised $4 billion in the debt markets in early December to pay for up front Network Vision costs and to help pay some Cle



Mark your calendars, Sprint CEO Dan Hesse will be speaking at MWC on Thursday

. . .   . . . by Robert Herron Sprint 4G Rollout Updates Monday, February 27, 2012 - 11:49 AM MST   Sprint has issued a Press Release that Señor Hesse will be speaking at MWC (Mobile World Congress) in Barcelona, España this week. You think he is going to break with some exciting Network Vision news? Or will it only be things we have already covered at S4GRU.com?   Either way, MWC is largely a GSM event, so for Dan Hesse to show up and speak is kind of a big deal. He's a cookin'



Sprint will no longer be LAX about its network, because the Los Angeles Metro market will receive Network Vision/LTE deployment in 2012!

by Robert Herron Sprint 4G Rollout Updates Monday, February 27, 2012 - 9:59 AM MST   Great rejoicing begins in the City of Angels! Now Sprint 4G Rollout Updates and S4GRU.com are prepared to announce the next and final First Round Network Vision/LTE market Sprint is planning to start deployment during 2012.   Los Angeles!   Sprint's Network Vision vendor Alcatel/Lucent will begin to deploy Network Vision and LTE in the Sprint LA Metro market. We are announcing the Sprint markets that



Quarterback controversy? HTC One to replace the iconic HTC Evo nameplate!

by Jeff Foster Sprint 4G Rollout Updates Monday, February 27, 2012 - 2:21 AM MST   Earlier this year, both HTC and Samsung stated in reports that it will be slimming down its product lines in order to reduce expenses, concentrate on higher quality and to lessen the effects of diluting similar product lines. Samsung has hinted that the Galaxy S lll will be launched simultaneously in many markets, and would eliminate the U.S. carriers from individual looks and independent features. Now HTC h



Sprint sports its I ♥ NYC T-shirt...New York City is a Sprint 2012 Network Vision/LTE market

by Robert Herron Sprint 4G Rollout Updates Friday, February 24, 2012 - 5:59 AM MST   OK, a pattern is emerging. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning we are releasing the next Network Vision/LTE market Sprint is planning to start deployment during 2012. And today is Friday, so that means we will announce a new market name...   New York City!   Yes, the Big Apple. Sprint's Network Vision vendor Alcatel/Lucent will begin to deploy its Hail Mary Network Vision and LTE in the Sprint



Sprint proclaims new SDC Push-To-Talk Network virtues over iDEN

by Rickie Smith Sprint 4G Rollout Updates Thursday, February 23, 2012 - 1:01 PM MST   Sprint announced yesterday that in recent testing conducted in 17 markets, that their new CDMA-based Sprint Direct Connect met or exceeded all measurements. Sprint Direct Connect, or SDC, is the successor push-to-talk network that Sprint is implementing to replace its aging iDEN network it inherited from its merger with Nextel.   This come on the heels of recent developments of how the Nextel iDEN PTT si



Could Amazon build on the success of the Kindle Fire and move into the phone market?

by Scott Johnson Sprint 4G Rollout Updates Thursday, February 23, 2012 - 4:09 AM MST   The Kindle changed the way many of us purchased and read books. Amazon may have seen the way iTunes and iPods changed the way consumers purchased their music. Consumers were moving away from physical CDs and towards digital media that could be delivered electronically without the trip to the store or even the trip to Amazon.com to have the CD shipped to their house.   Amazon created an ecosystem, com



New Early Upgrade Promo in select Sprint markets, all devices including the iPhone

by Robert Herron Sprint 4G Rollout Updates Wednesday, February 22, 2012 - 5:40 PM MST   Sprint 4G Rollout Updates has been notified of a covert new upgrade promotional titled "Upgrade Now Promotional - Trial." This is similar to one leaked a few weeks ago, but eligibility is a little less stringent this time. However, it is only limited to 21 out of the 97 Sprint markets, from now through April 14, 2012.   The markets included: Atlanta / Athens, GA Charlotte, NC Chicago, IL Cincin



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