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BREAKING NEWS: Sprint rolling out Network Vision in Chicago right now!

BREAKING NEWS!!! Samsung lets the cat out of the bag and announces in foreign press that Sprint is rolling out LTE and Network Vision in Chicago right now!!! This is two months ahead of schedule. LTE is a coming, folks! Hold on!!!   Article: http://www.indiatele...m/archives/7249     Originally Posted on S4GRU's Facebook Page on October 28, 2011



New 4G WiMax Protection Site on the south side of Elmira, New York

A NEW 4G WIMAX PROTECTION SITE is active in Elmira, New York. The new signal is on the south side of town. This makes two towers active in the Elmira area, coupled with the one on the northside of town near Horseheads that's been active for months. The coverage area is very small and pathetic, though.   See coverage map below...  



Sequans ties with Fujitsu for LTE chips

by Robert Herron Sprint 4G Rollout Updates October 21, 2011   This is an exciting article about new System-on-Chip (SoC) chipsets coming out for LTE that will run on all frequencies between 700MHz and 3.5GHz. If Sprint used something like this, it would allow for a lot of LTE flexibility in the future. Currently, Sprint has only announced LTE on 1900 only. However, Sprint can be running LTE on as many as 8 different frequencies in the next few years (700, 800, 900, 1500, 1600, 190



Sprint not beginning LTE deployment necessarily in WiMax areas first

by Robert Herron Sprint 4G Rollout Updates October 19, 2011   LTE DEPLOYMENT NOTE: Did you know that Sprint is not necessarily starting their LTE deployment in WiMax areas first? In this slide, it shows that in the first year of LTE deployment there will be 123 Million covered. Only 67 Million overlapping with WiMax. That means 56 Million with LTE coverage from Sprint in 2012 are in Non-WiMax areas. Presumably places like Detroit, Phoenix, San Diego, Indianapolis, Milwa



New 4G WiMax Protection Site in Dubuque, Iowa

RUMOR CONFIRMED - NEW WIMAX SERVICE ALERT: Dubuque, Iowa   Back on July 20th, we told you that a WiMax Protection Site was bound for Dubuque. And today it's shown as live on clear.com. So now all you Sprint and Clear WiMax device holders can use them in Dubuque. Happy surfing.  



New 4G WiMax Protection Site in Burlington, Iowa

RUMOR CONFIRMED - NEW WIMAX SERVICE ALERT: Burlington, Iowa   Back on July 20th, we told you that a WiMax Protection Site was bound for Burlington. And today it's shown as live on clear.com. So now all you Sprint and Clear WiMax device holders can use them in Burlington. Happy surfing.    



S4GRU is now on Twitter, too!

For those of you who use Twitter, we have now added a page there. FOLLOW US on Twitter! I did it just for you, Keith!   S4GRU Twitter Page link: @Sprint4Grollout



Sprint 4G Strategy Update Conference - Our Facebook Wall Comments (Part 2)

Here is Part Two of the Chat Transcripts from today's 4G Strategy Update Conference. Click here for Part One. Thanks for those of you who joined in the chat. It's been removed from the wall to remove the "pollution." LOL   It works in chat format, so it's backwards in time...       Sprint 4G Rollout Updates FARED ADIB: Most 2011 and all 2012 devices will support 800MHz CDMA voice Daves Williams No nexus s.... ? Jason Reuschlein Most except.. Nexus,



Sprint 4G Strategy Update Conference - Our Facebook Wall Comments (Part 1)

Here is Part One of the Chat Transcripts from today's 4G Strategy Update Conference. Click here for Part Two. Thanks for those of you who joined in the chat. It's been removed from the wall to remove the "pollution." LOL   It works in chat format, so it's backwards in time...         Sprint 4G Rollout Updates I guess that questions threw them off! They ended rather abruptly!!! Michael Yim Yeah they did... Justin Cate So no discussion about Rev



Conspiracy Theorists hold on to Sprint iPhone announcement on Friday

There are conspiracy theorists who still are holding on to hope that Sprint is going to announce on Friday an iPhone 5. I'm just flabbergasted trying to argue reason into these folks. Am I crazy for thinking that's so fantastical that it can't possibly happen? Maybe I'm just too jaded? I want to hear thoughts from our 500+ fans. Is this crazy? Or do you think this is plausible? Weigh in, now...   Link to S4GRU Facebook comments (28)



New 4G WiMax Protection Site in Keokuk, Iowa

RUMOR CONFIRMED - NEW SERVICE ALERT: Keokuk, Iowa   Back on July 20th, we told you that a WiMax Protection Site was bound for Keokuk. And today it went live. Hopefully, it's not like it's downriver brethren in Quincy and Hannibal which our fans have been unable to connect to. Let us know if you can connect in Keokuk!  



WiMax adapter for iPhone 4

Want your new iPhone 4S to run on WiMax? It's not too far of a stretch. It's already been done in Korea. Maybe Sprint will churn out something like this (and hopefully a lot smaller).         Source: http://www.thegadgetguycolumn.com/review-the-egg-wimax-adaptor-for-iphone-4/   Originally posted on S4GRU Facebook page on October 4, 2011



WiMax results will not post to Sensorly site when your device is roaming

by Robert Herron Sprint 4G Rollout Updates Wednesday, September 29, 2011   For those of you who have tried to upload Sensorly results on 4G WiMax Protection Sites while Sprint roaming, I now know why your results aren't posting. Sensorly does not post roaming results. They only post native service. For instance, if your device is posting 3G data, it looks to see what network you are on. If you are on your native network, the results show up on the Sensorly coverage map. If you are



The Bad News is there aren't going to be many more Protection Sites, the good news is...wait until October 7th

by Robert Herron Sprint 4G Rollout Updates Wednesday, September 28, 2011 - 3:43 PM MDT   BAD NEWS: The majority of BTA's (Basic Trading Areas) that do not have service now, are not likely to get a 4G Protection Site. The reason: Clearwire subleases its EBS spectrum from colleges and school districts. Almost all of the subleased EBS BTA's already meet the FCC Minimum Coverage requirements. In the ones outstanding, either the Educational Spectrum holder has either, A) Not yet transf



New 4G WiMax Protection Site in Ukiah, California

NEW SERVICE ALERT: Ukiah, California   A new Sprint/Clear 4G WiMax tower is now active in the Northern California city of Ukiah. A lovely town. Been there many times. And now, folks in and around Ukiah can enjoy some 4G service on Sprint and Clear.  



New 4G WiMax Protection Site in Seminole, Oklahoma

NEW SERVICE ALERT : Seminole, Oklahoma   A new Sprint/Clear 4G WiMax tower is now active in the Central Oklahoma town of Seminole. I was shocked to come across this today. I didn't expect any more sites before October 7th. I guess I'll take whatever I can get, whenever I can get it!!!  



Phantom 4G Site in Oxnard/Ventura, California finally appears on coverage map

PHANTOM SITE APPEARS: Oxnard/Ventura, California There has been a Phantom 4G WiMax Tower in Oxnard, California since the LA Area rollout last Winter. It has been shown on Sensorly.com since then, but has never appeared on Sprint or Clear's Coverage Maps. But today, it showed up on Clear.com. I guess it's not considered a Protection Site, because it has some dark green in it.   It also has a much larger coverage area than what's shown in the Clear map, because Sensorly is



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