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Philadelphia & Southern Connecticut are scheduled to be in the Second Round of Sprint Network Vision/LTE Deployment in 2012

blog-0981152001331319804.jpgby Robert Herron

Sprint 4G Rollout Updates

Friday, March 8, 2012 - 5:01 AM MST


Ready for some more announcements? We are now prepared to tell you about two more Round Two markets in Sprint's Network Vision/LTE deployment plans for 2012. Philadelphia and Southern Connecticut! The Sprint Philadelphia Metro market includes most of Southeast Pennsylvania and the Southern Connecticut market is the whole western third, and southwestern corner of the state.


Sprint's Network Vision vendor Alcatel/Lucent will likely begin Network Vision and LTE deployment in these two Sprint markets in 2012. This is not an imminent start in the next few weeks. These are Second Round starts. Which means that the start of these markets is dependent on when the previous market before it wraps up. There is no way to determine at this point which markets will precede them. Even Sprint does not know definitively at this point.


Sprint's Philadelphia Metro market


Sprint's Philadelphia Metro market basically includes every Sprint site in Southeastern Pennsylvania. Including the cities of Philadelphia, all the Philly Suburbs within Pennsylvania, Reading/Berkshire County and the Lehigh Valley (Allentown, Bethlehem and Easton). It is bordered by the already announced Central Jersey market to east. The Delaware market is to the south, the South Jersey market is across the Delaware River to the southeast and the Central Pennsylvania market borders to the north. These three markets are yet to be announced. The Philadelphia Metro market will have 621 sites in total after Network Vision is complete.



Sprint's Philadelphia Metro Market. All 620+ Network Vision sites are shown for the Philadelphia market in this map. Click on image to enlarge.


Sprint's Southern Connecticut market


Sprint's Southern Connecticut market is the whole southwestern portion of Connecticut, and rural Western Connecticut, outside the Hartford metro. It includes New Haven, Meriden, Waterbury, Danbury, Torrington, Bridgeport, Norwalk, Stamford and Greenwich. It is bordered by the already announced Boston market to the north and the NYC market to the west. And the yet to be announced Northern Connecticut market to the east. A total of 259 Network Vision sites.





Sprint's Southern Connecticut Market. All of the approximately 250+ Network Vision sites are shown for the S. Conn. market in this map. Click on image to enlarge.


We would love to give you the date, but...


There is absolutely no way for S4GRU to be able to provide a start date for these markets, or any of the Second Round 2012 markets that will be announced after these. We are announcing these markets to you for your information, to give Sprint customers a rough idea of when these second round markets can be anticipated.


There is absolutely no guarantee of the order in which these markets come live, because there is a lot of variability in the plan. The most significant variable being how quickly the preceding market before it wraps up. If things go quickly in the preceding market, work may start early. Things go late, these would likely start late. And to complicate start dates in each market, Sprint has said they may elect to slow down Network Vision in future quarters if cash flow becomes strained.


Sprint has three different OEM vendors, with several different crews in many markets at once. There could be final permitting and design delays, some vendors and/or crews will work at different speeds, weather issues and any number of unforeseen circumstances to complicate matters even further. First round market starts are much easier to predict, but second round and third round markets starts are increasingly difficult to predict and put dates to. This is likely the reason why Sprint has elected not to announce these markets themselves at this time. But we know you don't want to wait for Sprint to tell you! With these caveats understood, we are releasing the Network Vision second round markets in the order that they are anticipating to start deployment, based on the schedules as they exist to date.


We won't stop digging for you!


Sprint 4G Rollout Updates will continue to scour through the data and gather deployment information for your use. It is our intent to provide at a minimum, all the Sprint markets that will likely begin Network Vision/LTE upgrades in 2012. And we intend to do so in a series of articles over the next few weeks. We will not likely announce communities slated for 2013, because the dates we hold for 2013 markets appear very tentative and subject to change. With the many variables to sort out between now and 2013. Sprint could make significant shifts in deployment plans based on dynamic need change, funding, market permitting difficulties, etc.


With the release of Philadelphia and Southern Connecticut markets today, that brings the total of Network Vision markets announced to 23. We have have a thread in our forums where we are keeping track of all the markets announced by Sprint and S4GRU.com. Click on this link here to view the Network Vision Market Running List.


Stay tuned to Sprint 4G Rollout Updates. Tonight we will be having a special announcement of a Samsung market. And on Monday we will be releasing the next two Round Two markets for Sprint Network Vision and LTE deployment. We will be talking about it in a few hours in advance in a S4GRU Live Chat at 9:30 PM Mountain Time on Sunday evening. Come join us!





Nhskyline_eastshore.jpgPhotos of Philadelphia and New Haven skylines courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.


Information about the source: The information for all of our Network Vision information has been freely provided by several sources close to the Network Vision program who choose to remain anonymous. No source information will be released to protect anonymity.


Special thanks to S4GRU Member digiblur for creating the Philadelphia Metro and Southern Connecticut Market maps! Thank you!

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About time for it to coming to Philadealphia and can't wait for it get here!

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Thanks for the update and the map!

  • Like 1


Is it safe to assume this also will include LTE - or will that stay as a seperate launch plan? Also I see Winsted/Torrington/Bristol/Waterbury areas in yellow, but they are not 'Southern" to the state rather Northwestern? Did we just luck out or is it an error?



Is it safe to assume this also will include LTE - or will that stay as a seperate launch plan? Also I see Winsted/Torrington/Bristol/Waterbury areas in yellow, but they are not 'Southern" to the state rather Northwestern? Did we just luck out or is it an error?


The areas in yellow will also receive full LTE deployments with Network Vision. First on 1900, later in 800MHz too.





I'm hoping that yellow border pushes slightly further East into NJ, say maybe to the Cherry Hill mark :)

  • Like 3


Just a little bit further and I will have 4g LTE. Please bring Sprint 4g LTE to Voorhees NJ!!

The Root


I live in Downtown Hartford. The bubble comes like right up to it. Does that mean I could potentially get signal? How strong is it?



I live in Downtown Hartford. The bubble comes like right up to it. Does that mean I could potentially get signal? How strong is it?


Hartford in in Northern Connecticut market and will not start deployment until 2013. However, if you get within the fellow areas in the map above, you may be able to get LTE earlier when the Southern CT market completes.



The Root


Any word of what quarter of 2013 that starts?



Any idea if NV has started yet in Philadelphia Metro, I've been seeing wild speeds both positive and negative and am wondering if they have begun upgrading sites. I've seen speeds as slow as 10kbps on EvDo and up to 2 Mbps



Any word of what quarter of 2013 that starts?


No. Not yet. Stay tuned.





Any idea if NV has started yet in Philadelphia Metro, I've been seeing wild speeds both positive and negative and am wondering if they have begun upgrading sites. I've seen speeds as slow as 10kbps on EvDo and up to 2 Mbps


Network Vision has not started in Philadelphia yet. We will have a schedule update article soon for this market. This improvements you are seeing now are temporary upgrades to help customers ride out the wait to Network Vision. These temp upgrades are shown on network.sprint.com.





For what it's worth, I spoke to two separate Sprint people - one before ordering my S3, and one tech person that helped with a troublesome PRL update after I got my phone. Both put me on hold while checking on LTE dates for Philadelphia, and both came back with July 22, 2012. Considering these contacts with Sprint reps were over 3 weeks apart and but said the exact same date, there must be something in their LTE documentation with that date on it for Philly.



For what it's worth, I spoke to two separate Sprint people - one before ordering my S3, and one tech person that helped with a troublesome PRL update after I got my phone. Both put me on hold while checking on LTE dates for Philadelphia, and both came back with July 22, 2012. Considering these contacts with Sprint reps were over 3 weeks apart and but said the exact same date, there must be something in their LTE documentation with that date on it for Philly.


We will have a Network Vision/LTE update on the Philadelphia market some time this weekend. It is true that work was scheduled to start in the Philly market this month, and it's possible the very first site could be on-air by July 22nd. However, it will be a while out until market launch. The details will be in the article.





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