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Posts posted by QWIKSTRIKE

  1. http://www.theverge.com/2012/6/30/3127315/ftc-reportedly-investigating-google-over-motorolas-use-of-frand


    F Apple....I am so tired of their non competition iProduct bans against Android. MS, and Apple deserve to be in the same boat they have put people.


    Bull crap patent infringement rules are just attempts to block competition. Now all of a sudden the justice of harming competition and profit are on the table for MS, and Apple. Let the chips fall where they may.....ban their asses.

  2. Pick up your GS3 while you still can, according to Florian Mueller, the GS3 is next in Koh's crosshairs. He said there's a good chance this could get an injunction. S Voice might be an even bigger infringer than Google's voice search was.


    Seems like Google voice search is netter than them all. Jelly bean will eliminate the comp in this regards!

  3. post-1-0-38778800-1341012031_thumb.png


    So far, I am not impressed with battery life on my GS-III. It's standy battery life is slightly worse than the GNex, but it's active usage battery life is better than the GNex. The EVO LTE battery life is far, far better than the GS-III after 48 hours of usage.


    I pretty much prefer everything on the GS-III over the EVO LTE except battery life and the camera button. I really like the camera button on the EVO LTE. Don't get me wrong, the battery life is more than usable. And it's better than any phone I've ever had. However, the EVO LTE is the best battery sipping device I've ever used to date.


    Robert via Samsung Galaxy S-III 32GB using Forum Runner


    I am glad to hear this because I went to Sprint today to get my phone on the 1st of July. I got my 50.00 gift card and am on the list to pick it up early Sunday morning. Aaron from phone dog, and no real negative issues minus the exploding over heating phone is why I did it. If something better come along I have another line......rofl Where's the antenna review man.....

  4. I'm currently testing this today, but I also am running full screen brightness. I can tell you the battery life is better than expected. I could upload a screenshot of this, but to my surprise, Samsung still has not built in a stock way to capture a screen shot. And if they have, I have not found it yet.


    Full palm swipe does screen shot I think.

  5. That did not stop some guy from complaining that he had already bent the aluminum frame of his EVO LTE from keeping the handset in his back pocket and routinely sitting on it. Sorry, but if you have no better place to carry your handset than in your back pocket and you sit on it, then you get what you deserve. You are literally a dumbass.




    Agreed, I always hear people say that I need it to fit in my back pocket.....idiot's for sure. Why potential risk sitting on it inadvertently, or leaning up against something and crushing the hardware. People like that you must give a wide berth in life. Stay as far away from that kind of thinker for sure.

  6. At the Sprint store you can pre order the S3 if your date is 7/1/2012. Its a $50 deposit. I'm year 13+ with sprint and utilizing my last Premier yearly upgrade. I tried to use the two week early up grade. That's gone. So this hopefully just reserves a s3 for me on the 1st. The store is supposed to hold it for 14 days then they can sell it. The manager was expecting the 32gb blue to "get in the distribution chain Tuesday or Wednesday. When they have one in hand, I was told I would get a call. But I suspect those are only 16GB phones. Who knows. I will just download the instruction manual and read it a couple of times. I think this gets me a pass to the head of the line When they come out and I don't have to chase one down.


    Thanks, I will do this since I have been with Sprint for 15 years my last upgrade like yours hangs in the wind here. Going to be a long wait between now and 2014, but I have the secret weapon, another line primed for an upgrade.rofl I'll just get the 16 mb and if needed I saw amazon selling 64gig sd for &20.00.

  7. Motorolas seem to have really good radios. I'll probably wait for the rumored Photon Q before I decide between the two.


    It burns when I Tapatalk...


    They seem to be offering that in a weird display 1179x720 or something like that. Also it may have a key pad....... that's a deal breaker for me now.....rofl. I couldn't live with out a key pad before my EVO, but after getting the EVO 4G I didn't miss it!

  8. 5 bar -83dbm 4asu

    6 bar -69dbm 16asu


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Forum Runner




    Close enough for me, now if there are no bugs I am leaning way towards Sammy....I like the build and display of the EVO, with HD voice and all but two gig o ram and 1.9 FF camera gets at me......rofl. My problem is can I pre order when my upgrade isn't until 7/01/2012

  9. I have 6 bars right now -70 dBm 16 asu


    At a Sprint corporate store my Photon had -65 while the EVO 4G LTE displayed -79


    Anandtech review showed that the wifi is weak on the GSIII

  10. Anandtech reports weak wifi in their review. What about that 1XXL.....wow they just keep coming....thats what the EVO 4G LTE should havfe been.....a 1XXL LTE quad 4 variant 2 megs of ram and all!

  11. Thanks.. at least its not that other guy doing them. In the ones in the past he seemed to be stuck on his iphone in every review.


    Taylor Martin, or Ray S. on Phone Arena......IMHO they seem to be more biased in their reviews....Ray especially likes APPLE!

  12. S4GRU is not a complaint board about Sprint. Negative comments need to be constructive in nature. The incessant rambling about how temporary fixes aren't good enough is too much. Please move on from that side discussion.


    Network Vision is the solution to Sprint's network problems. Customers will not see permanent relief until then. Either you can hold out for NV, or you can't. If you can, these complaints are pointless because you know the solution is coming and you just have to wait for them. If you cannot wait, then you should probably find another carrier that better meets your needs.


    No one should pay for a carrier that doesn't meet their needs. And we never advocate anyone stay with Sprint if its not in their interest.


    Robert via Galaxy Nexus using Forum Runner


    Agreed, but I got 1mbs of speed on 3g in Jamaica Queens NYC, and I can tell you that I am looking forward and hope that Sprint doesn't go the way of the Dodo bird and raise prices and kill grandfathered plans with new device offers in the future. If this happen I will bail and pay what ever to Verizon for the slap in the face. As a 15 year loyal customer who can write monthly cost off I hope they are not pimping me for future Tom Foolery.


    That said I am hoping the NV will give me the thing that I had when I 1st joined Sprint.....great service! I am Cautiously rooting for Sprint, and the company that it can be! Dan has done a pretty good job in spite of Clearwire debacle, and the Wimax failed initiative adoption in the U.S.! Pricing is the best among it's peers, and service just needs to pick up! Network Vision is the answer I hope, and if you bail now you may lose the unlimited pricing in the face of rising cost on other carriers, which may not be wise if you are slated to get network vision!

    • Like 1
  13. I have been saying it all along that the MS tablet will have the potential to become king...integrating phone, tablet, and desk top to the office through desktop and exchange server for a secure truly fulfilling business platform. Windows 8 to "ME" is the key to this integration.

    • Like 2
  14. I don't like the Metro UI on Windows 8. I've tried it out when I downloaded the Developer Previews, and frankly, it just looks goofy. It's a bad attempt to revive Apple's old At Ease software from the OS 7 days.



    Seems like you either like it or hate it from the responses that I have read, but the metro interface is not the desk top. The windows desk top remains in tact albeit a little different in function the look remains the same. "To me" the Metro UI just seems to seamlessly integrate Windows 8 phone, and desktop with out the need of some third party app!

  15. All of you can say whatever you want about Apple, but I would use Mac OS X over Windows any day. And for mobile OS's, it's a toss up between iOS, Windows Phone, & Android. They all have unique features that have their certain appeal. I just prefer the iPhone. Frankly, I like the keyboard more than Android and Windows Phone.


    You should look at the new Windows 8. It is taking Windows in a whole new direction. It boots in 15 seconds on legacy hard drives and boots in 5-7 seconds on SSD drives. I can upgrade any device any time that I like with out having to take it in or buy a new unit. The biggest problem with Windows machines are fragmented OEM implementation of cheap "shit" to make stock holders happy.


    Install a top Asus, or Gigabyte Mobo, and top Corsair, Kingston, or G-Skill memory with a quality hard drive and power supply and you can maintain years of computing. I built my rig in 2009, and upgraded to a new 6 core CPU for $89.00 I decided to change the Mobo and upgraded to 16 gigs of 2100 memory for $90.00. Mac's to me are too controled, and if MS made oem manufacturers make PC's with an upgraded quality of standards list like I have listed the PC would be king.


    But I sell machines that best cheap Dell, and HP oem equipment that are far more superior, and expandable with a 3 year warranty with top of the line devices!

    • Like 1
  16. NY will be lit up like a Xmas tree when it is all said and done. I believe this is the proper time to be on Sprint, and in the future many will come before they try to go the way of the competitor and nickle and dime us. Sprint was better in the beginning when they let you buy a phone and had a discount for no contract. No matter what carriers tell you they are not losing money on phones in my opinion. iPhone cost about 60.00 to manufacture and carriers may pay Apple a fee for profits remember the cost is no more than 60.00. That said if we buy a phone straight out they still lock us into a 2 year contract shows that they are just greedy, and at this point Sprint is the lesser of those greedy carriers, and that's why I am here. I get service every where I have been from Massachusetts to Florida no dropped calls when driving!


    SGIII, EVO 4GLTE or Nexus 3is all I want for the NY Xmas tree lighting lol.

  17. I would only be offended if the intention was meant to offend me. It might be a pita to adjust, but "I" am most certain that this is not an offense. Remember you are in the minority for this situation, and I am sure this was never done to offend you or anyone. lol

    So if this irritates you maybe you might want to send a note about this issue for the hearing impaired to make some good out of this!

  18. While they could have tried, there was prior art to interacting with tablet and a stylus (albeit a smaller size). Apple's Message Pad and Palm's PDA's were there first before Microsoft's tablets. The reason why Microsoft's tablets failed is because they tried to shoehorn a desktop operating system onto a tablet format. I believe that their Windows 8 Desktop will fail for the exact same reasons. Trying to shoehorn a tablet or phone operating system onto the desktop. I like the way Apple is doing it, borrowing functionality from the mobile segment but never replacing the desktop paradigm.


    As some one who is running Windows 8 I don't see where MS is getting rid of the desktop, or is making the tablet a desk top. I actually like how they merged them together yet have them separate. The desktop is fully functional with touch appeal that can be run by mouse and key board

  19. Well, Google got into the mobile handset business, so Apple is getting into the local search business in a roundabout way. It did not help that Eric Schmidt was a member of the board at Apple while they were working on their first iPhone, so he was intimately familiar with their plans. A spy in their midst, so to speak. From 10,000 feet up, Android looks a hell of a lot like iOS except with uglier icons. WebOS and Windows Phone look entirely different. It also did not help that Samsung blatantly copied some of Apple designs. So, Apple will put a big dent in Google's ad revenue from their iDevices.



    Google isn't in the handset business, and many are misinformed about this. Google is in the Ad business, and the handset is merely a tool to make the consumer a walking bill board for ad's and cross services offered to sellers. Apple is now seeing the light and is trying to imitate what Google has already achieved. That is to make each consumer able to buy from the ad's that sellers have where ever they are located creating ad revenue from links clicked, and search's performed where ver the consumer may be.



    Google pretty much would give these services away for free like Google maps to create interaction with sellers that they promote in search there by creating revenue. Google originally wanted data to be $10.00 for unlimited service but the carriers shot this down to monetize data as they all are doing now.

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