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Posts posted by Odell

  1. So back to phones, get the evo and if the s3 floats your boat then you can get that and sell the evo which will still have a pretty high resale value and that way you will be happy instead of doubting yourself.


    All the years I have been in the phone game, I have never sold a phone. I don't know why I have this mental block with selling. I never even think about it until someone mentions it.


    I have also never paid off-contract price for a phone so I would definitely have to force myself to make that leap, even though I will be making some of it up with the sale of the EVO.


    Good advice though, thanks!

  2. Bad analogy. Because in my college days I would have tried for both! :lol:


    Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner


    Your pimp hand was much stronger than mine. I didn't have that luxury.

  3. Man, I'm so torn right now. The Galaxy S3 is really intriguing me but with no announced US release and the EVO LTE just sitting there calling me like a siren...


    This is like having an opportunity to hook up with a really hot chick at school now, but you hear there is a smoking hot transfer student coming in that might be even better. Do you commit to the current girl now when new chick might just blow her out of the water? But if you wait for new chick and she turns out to be "meh", now you've just lost all that good make-out time with current girl. Decisions, decisions.

  4. I'm really torn now because if this launches this month I am going to want to get it immediately but I really want to see how the US version of the Galaxy S3 is reviewed before I make a decision. Decisions, decisions! #FirstWorldProblems

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  5. The Galaxy series are (so far) the only two phones (have carried both epics) that have not failed on me due to quality control issues . I love love love HTC..... but don't have any desire to deal with light leaking, failed charger ports, etc that I dealt with in my HTC Windows Mobile years... I use to have to depend on insurance to keep a functioning device. Had 4 palm pre replacements in between.... I'm 1 year 6 months of no insurance with Samsung.. I may not hold as good of a signal in a fringe area and I may not get a GPS lock as quickly as another phone would, but these guys have survived plenty of drops and haven't done anything that a reset or wipe can't fix.


    So.... I want to again carry an HTC device, but I'd want to pick it up 2nd hand or hear of very few random quality issues....


    ANYWAY, I'm very very excited about being able to wirelessly charge again like with the Pre .... loving the colors ..... excited about the improved battery.... and loving the software. Really interested to read how successful they've been in upping the voice interaction... If well, Apple is going to be even more furious!


    This is a perspective you rarely hear on techie type forums anymore. Most people want a device they can use reliably and effectively day in and day out. The majority of buyers don't know a pentile from a pentel and are never going to blow up a camera phone pic large enough so they can see the fringe mosaic caused by the inferior flux capacity sensor.


    I have no particular allegiance to any phone manufacturer. This Samsung device is very attractive to me. It's a beautiful device, the software grabs my interest and everything else I've heard about Samsung phones fits right in with JeffDTD's experience. I'm sitting here with a not quite 2 year old EVO that I can't charge because the port doesn't work and the screen has these odd green lines that won't go away. The thought of getting a solidly built, good looking phone with plenty of right now tech inside is very attractive to me. I'm looking forward to seeing more hands-on reviews, especially of a US unit.

  6. Brian Klug from AnandTech is in London for the Samsung launch event. He always runs extensive benchmarks:






    From the above review


    Initial reactions to the Galaxy S III announcement seemed almost disappointing, however stay tuned for our hands on impressions of the device as well as even more depth/detail on the hardware platform - you may be surprised.


    I told you, the Gadget Wood is rarely wrong. You may be surprised but as for me and my wood...we know...

  7. Leave it to you guys to try to precipitate on my parade. I don't care what you techy types say. I am liking what I'm seeing so far. My Gadget Wood is rarely wrong. Ok, maybe not rarely but most of the time it's spot on. Mostly...

  8. I don't know about chipsets and all that. What I do know is that is a nice looking device. I like the lines and how it looks in the hand The pebble blue is gorgeous. I love the super large screen. I've never used Touch Wiz so I don't know anything about the interface but it looks like it performs well from the video I'm seeing.

  9. Probably a dumb question, but it wouldn't be my first. Any chance they heard the public outcry and made the battery removable before final production?

  10. I would guess that they are directly sourcing Elite_The_King's post because he is the one who posted the actual build prop and the bootanimation. Noting the previously leaked RUU was not necessarily germane to the content of the GoodandEvo post.

  11. Since I just spent nearly $1K on a new laptop and software, the later launch date would provide me a nice cushion of time to deal with my accountant AKA "She To Whom I Am Betrothed". Nevertheless, whatever day it launches, that's the day I plan on buying it. The earlier date will just cost me more, if you catch my drift.

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