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Steve Dean

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Everything posted by Steve Dean

  1. It is pretty good considering TM is doing 10GB of data and Sprint will offer unlimited. Might as well bring the last competitor into the fight.
  2. two lines Unlimited phone/text/data 6GB hotspot $230.00
  3. Would facetime be included with data as well? Or will it go over WiFi if you are connected?
  4. I looked at that case with several others. Ended up getting the Symmetry case. I have a tendency to put the phone in a front pocket so the Defender would have been too much.
  5. Purchased a 128GB WiFi/Cellular last night. I did not activate the cellular part since I have a hotspot on my phone currently. I also picked up a black Griffin Survivor Slim case. I did not get the chance to start using it last night since it did take several hours to download (30GB) from iTunes with the information that I have on my phone. My WiFi at home was a little slow.
  6. The density at this time seems to be ok. There is one b41 8t8r tower with b26 about 1 1/2 miles away and another b26 tower about 1 mile away from where I was staying. I was able to receive b41 form the tower above when I could see the tower and no obstructions within eye site (300 to 400 yards). I will be returning there in a couple of months so I hope that they will have it optimized and powered correctly by then.
  7. I was in Concord close to Hwy 73 and I-85.
  8. Has Sprint started to optimize the Charlotte area since January 1st? I looked at the map where I was over the holidays and it says the LTE signal should be fair with Turbo available. I was lucky to have one bar of 3G signal inside and two bars of 3G outside. I was not able to receive a LTE signal.
  9. I currently have Comcast as a home phone service. I have considered getting a home phone system that I can connect my cell phone with Bluetooth since I do not use the home phone at all. I just have not been able to convince my wife this is the way to go. it would save us about $50.00 a month. http://www.amazon.com/Panasonic-KX-TG7875S-Link2Cell-Bluetooth-Answering/dp/B00BP7SW0C/ref=sr_1_2/180-6821644-3883839?ie=UTF8&qid=1412184184&sr=8-2&keywords=cell+home+phone+system#customerReviews
  10. I received a 16GB WiFi iPad2 for a 10 year anniversary gift from work the other day. I took it back to Best Buy for a store credit so I can upgrade with more storage after the first of the year. I looked around the store while I was there and was surprised that the cellular model at Best Buy was only 30 dollars more than WiFi only. I may need to invest in one since the cost is not that much more though I will not activate the cellular part at this time just in case I need it in the future. Already have the hotspot active on my iPhone.
  11. Or the metacarpal bone adding an additional joint in the middle for more dexterity.
  12. I know they are sometimes a pain but it could be like this:
  13. Was nice to read. Funny to read the comments though. Digi, Jamison, Bryce and several others commenting.
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