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Posts posted by JonnygATL

  1. I find nothing at all troll like in his comment whatsoever, either and am frankly confounded as to why it was taken that way.  As stated, the market is headed in this direction (thankfully) and I think he was likely wondering if any of Sprint's MVNOs or prepaid brands would let you BYOD.  A legitimate and intelligent question from any perspective. 

  2. I know I posted this somewhere else at some point, however, I would love to live in a universe where Sprint offered a fair, one-time upgrade path (perhaps a reasonable fee upon returning the old phone?) from the S4 to the S4T for those of us already rocking band 25 LTE S4s.  That would be lovely.  But, then again, that would likely only occur in a universe far, far, far, far, far....*breathe*..far, FAR away!  


    Also I've been converted over to the camp of never buying a phone on contract again.  The OG S4 was my last contract phone.  This seems to be the way the industry is headed.


    One more thing...I was at my local Sprint store in Buckhead the other day and I whipped out my GS4 next to a Nexus 5 on display.  I then opened up the same website on both phones (weather.gov if you're counting) and cranked the brightness all the way up on both phones.  I was surprised to see both how dim my GS4 was next to the N5 as well as how yellowed out the whites appeared next to the N5.  I had read about such things but had never borne witness to it firsthand.  

    Don't get me wrong - I love my phone.  It's just that the N5's superiority in color accuracy caught me off guard and I wanted to share that comparision.  

  3. I am pretty satisfied so far with Sprint's NV rollout. I cannot wait to see how it will be this time next year.



    I totally agree with you.  I get great 4G (single band, mind you) all the way from my house in Atlanta to my mother's house in Lexington, KY.  That's 6 hours of nearly uninterrupted 4G all the way up I-75, even in rural parts of North GA, Central TN and Southern KY.  There are about 3 distinct, 15 minute gaps in there, to be perfectly clear.  But I say this to illustrate the fact that Sprint's band 25 LTE rollout has made excellent progress and works very, very well for me.  Not just in the massive top 10 market that Atlanta is..but also in my hometown in Central Kentucky (and most places in between).  I'd say that speaks volumes.  

    • Like 1
  4. I don't think Sprint should change their name but I would like for them to do is change that sprint/ nextel swoosh symbol to the Sprint Spark symbol.


    Also once sprint has Sprint Spark deployed in top 100 + markets I'm sure Sprint will most likely market Sprint as Sprint Spark.


    Ps. I think it would be awesome if sprint somehow incorporates it's downfall in its commercial and then show how amazing it's service will be.


    America loves a comeback.

    Could be risky but I like the way you think.  You're right.  This is America.  We ARE the ultimate comeback story and we like to pat ourselves on our collective back and remind ourselves of that once in a while.  The trouble is..this sort of thing would have to be executed (and TIMED) flawlessly.  Sprint isn't exactly the king of having ever flawlessly executed anything so a top notch marketing team would need to be employed.  LOL..but I see your point.

  5. Bittersweet!  Those of us with single band GS4s are presumably offered no reasonable upgrade path to the tri band device (aside from waiting out the contract..at which point this phone will have been rendered rather moot).  But I'm still glad to see it come to fruition.  Let's get bands 26 and 41 rolled out across America!

    • Like 1
  6. Or maybe they configured the LTE antennas on the towers in my neighborhood's vicinity to better serve my neighborhood. 

    Nor are you taking into account the fact that the only substantial wimax provider in the United States at the time (and maybe even the world?  I don't know) was broadcasting at 2.5 ghz.  Signals at that frequency do not propagate very well (distance wise) nor through many structures.  That was, of course, related to Clear's spectrum holdings at the time.  


    But, yeah,  as people migrated off wimax to LTE devices, more bandwidth was freed up, allowing for faster DL speeds.  Several of us here in Atlanta noticed that as well. 


    Once all 3 bands are fully deployed with "Spark,"  I'm sure you'll be even more impressed.

  7. Well if you meant "Kentucky," my home state and prolific NCAA basketball title winner, then that would be entirely understandable. Many are addicted to KY basketball. However if you were referring to the OTC KY that one might purchase from CVS then, well yes, that's quite a different story.

  8. The Mini nor Mega are enabled out of the box either. The Sprint press release indicates that both devices will receive an update to enable "Spark" at a later day, just like the N5 and G2.

    Now we know why Apple was in no hurry to squeeze in the appropriate radio for it.  And, for most people, 800 mhz LTE plus 1900 LTE is plenty enough.  For most, they need not even concern themselves with band 41.  Unless you live in the center of a very major city then it's basically a moot  point for you.  It doesn't carry very far and it's only meant, accordingly, to really help in densely populated, very urban environments.  So don't stress about it!  : o )

    • Like 2
  9. Does anyone know when Ericsson is going to begin deploying 800 voice here in the Atlanta area?  I understand that there is one, lone tower barking out 800 mhz (in the Athens area, actually) but the rest of the towers remain on 1.9 ghz.    Anyone know when 800 mhz voice (and, beyond that, LTE on 800 mhz) will start going live?  

  10. I usually get 8 down and 7 up here in Atlanta.  And this is inside.  In densely populated Midtown.  Ran a speedtest just now and it was right inline with what I just stated.  Not bad for being indoors on a 5x5 deployment.  No video lag whatsoever....like, ever.

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