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Everything posted by Overstew

  1. There is an option in Textra (third party sms app) that can split long-text messages or combine them (I think it forces it to do MMS if you combine more than 160 characters.) I'd give that a shot.
  2. I guess they value analyst opinion more than the interest they're incurring by buying the stocks back. However, this did not help Sprint stock a lot here so I'm not sure what kind of effect it'll have in the Japanese market.
  3. Sprint has some good markets that do not have B26, but they do have good site density for B41. Good examples are Phoenix and Corpus Christi.
  4. Is anyone noticing this? https://www.reddit.com/r/Sprint/comments/45keb5/sprints_finally_brining_the_heat/czyjatr
  5. Probably in areas where only Sprint offers B41. Similarly like how Sprint said they're the fastest nationwide from Nelson studies.
  6. If you're changing the signal icons on a Note 3, it should be in the xhdpi folder. They should be your standard PNG files. I would use Gimp2 imaging software if you need something that's a good free alternative to Photoshop. If your device runs 1440p resolution, the icons you're looking for are in the xxhdpi folder.
  7. It looks to be Samsung specific. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4351947/what-is-the-use-of-qmg-file-in-android Are all of the files .qmg inside the SystemUI.apk/res/drawable-xhdpi?
  8. Haven't themed anything in awhile. Maybe they don't use .9 patch anymore for image stretching. My only guess. Sent from my Nexus 5X
  9. Priv-App under system for systemUI now. It changed sometime in Lollipop. Sent from my Nexus 5X
  10. It sounds like a good deal if you pay off your phones early. Otherwise the legacy plans are still better.
  11. People on reddit are reporting their $50 unl plan increased to $60 and they appear to not have been notified. It's probably posted on their previous bill.
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