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Posts posted by tyroned3222

  1. Democrats in the Senate are a minority. ...   I don't think it means much.  Also, I don't believe Congress has much say in the overall plot as it's up to the FCC and the Dept of Justice.      If you all remember, Sprint and T Mobile already met with Senators back in May or June.   Don't really know what else can be done.   The FCC has a 180 Day "shot clock".   It can go over 180 days, but not 2 years?!    I'm hoping there is some word/ communication this week or next.     

    I agree, government is open for 20 days .. I expect John and Marcelo to be spotted in Washington again over these next three weeks.. if government does close again.. I think the rules state that no matter how long the government is shut down the fcc will be given another 3-6 months after the shut down to keep reviewing

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  2. The article confuses that point though by stating this:
    "Some parts of the FCC operation avoid the cut-off of federal funding. These include FCC Chairman Ajit Pai and the three FCC commissioners who collectively will decide whether to allow the nation’s fourth-largest wireless carrier to merge into the third-largest. Money for their posts comes from sources other than congressional funding, according to the agency’s shutdown plan."
    If they are the ones deciding and their job funding isn't tied to congressional funding, then they should be doing work and keep the clock running IMO

    Read more here: https://www.kansascity.com/news/politics-government/article223821080.html#storylink=c

    Yup it’s weird and could also delay new phones from being released on time.. idk how both companies will take this delay as it will hurt their collective business the longer it takes

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  3. [emoji91][emoji91][emoji91] .... Wow....

    I take nether side serious, both Neville and John know they can’t put up enough capex as individual companies to push a broad 5G network at the beginning.. this is all talk as if they were merged companies already .. e1f8934f6975bbfc4fe6039ae39234e1.jpg
    Heck, the other day Neville was presented with a 40 billion dollar check knowing that money won’t be available to him until the merger is approved and cleared

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  4. I'm still waiting to see whether spring falls through with the promise of expanding coverage. I've gotten to the point where I will only believe it when I see it. So when I start seeing full LTE service with Sprint at my parents place which gets pretty much Verizon roaming and only one bar of 1 x then I will believe Sprint.

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    Well for now if tmo has lte service there you would connect to that

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  5. I'm still interested in seeing if this merger gets cleared I'm not saying yes it's going to happen no it's not going to happen I just leave the odds at 50-50.


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    Yup, ether way the sprint customer is going to get a better network .. merger or not .. carry the same amount of capex into fiscal 19 should work wonders for sprint and might actual show native coverage expansion .

    Sprint has 4 years of T-mobile roaming and can close the gap in the 4 years it took tmo 5



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  6. The FCC historically takes the longest.  Rules on coverage retention, transition of customer phones, area where spectrum must be divested are all to be expected.  It could be turned over to an administrative law judge and possibly take a year based on Shentel-nTelos merger.  I would expect DOJ will add something for the MVNOs.  I expect Dish to be ignored.

    Any divesture makes this merger pointless to me.. both companies are merging to become stronger to compete with att and Verizon not to become weaker in the process

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  7. With the current administration, all you need is a nice bribe, but I don't want to get political on this forum.

    Ya, it’s just seems like everything discussed behind closed doors is coming to light .. TMO: we will spend big in the 600mhz auction dont worry. sprint: don’t worry we will raise our capex And have all of our sites ready with band 41 / some mimo equipment.. so all you gotta do is move the equipment to your sites... Tmo/Sprint: we will both participate in the mmwave auction it’s a win win .



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  8. Yikes, The auction that they needed to participate was the 600mhz one, but since we know they were colluding with Tmobile for a proposed merger it doesn't matter anymore. Sprint has plenty of unused spectrum for 5G, that 120mhz of band 41 would allow them to bring peak speeds of 4Gpbs as 5G mature. Tmobile paying 26 billion for Sprint I would say they got it on the cheap. 

    Tmo must of been very confident that this merger would get approved..

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  9. T-Mobile is going to do as they wish, subject to FCC limitations.  The Sprint executives will likely be on some beach figuring out whether their drink umbrellas are adjusted correctly while they watch their enhanced investment portfolios and figure out what they want to do next, if anything.  The joys of golden parachutes!
    Most of the Next gen sites I have seen are rural locations often with only Sprint on the tower.  This fits Sprints historical pattern of doing rural areas first.  The comments could point to collusion if the merger review drags out for another year like I think and urban former Clear sites are not Tri-banded as permits indicate.  
    The more interesting paragraphs:
    "So we've recently improved the liquidity again by expanding the term loan B by just over a billion dollars and more importantly in many regards from my respect putting in place this amendment to the term loan B documentation which then allows us to potentially significantly up size the spectrum notes if the merger didn't get approved, and if we had to pay for standalone life."
    "...this last quarter we returned to wireless service revenue growth year-on-year. We expect that level of wireless service revenue growth to continue for the foreseeable future...  ...Now we don't expect that level of growth to expand materially, but we do think that the level of growth that we've now got is sustainable. So once you get through a few quarters of that, all of a sudden you start to generate year-on-year wireless revenue, service revenue on a full year basis. So there's a revenue growth story."
    source: https://seekingalpha.com/article/4226498-sprint-corporation-s-management-presents-bank-america-merrill-lynch-leveraged-finance?part=single

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  10. "Free agents", this implies that a person could go out and buy a top of the line phone on lease or installments or 24 month contract that they can not really afford and expect that when the merger is approved in the first half of next year, as mentioned by Legere, their outstanding amount would be forgiven.  Is that really what you meant to say?  I could not find it in the article or transcript (perhaps I missed it).  I would hate to see others get in trouble based on this.

    Well, he implied that current sprint customers would be given the choice to switch to the new TMO. So, if sprint no longer exists.. I would say a customer at that point has the choice to go on to the new TMO network based on a better deal and carry their phone over as a switch and tmo pay it off or can switch to another provider. Although, there isn’t any direction or strategy on that yet I think that how it would go . He even said sprint stores would remain after merger if approved and people would walk in and sign up for TMo plans



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  11. Again, I posted it earlier , but Braxton carter said: at the beginning if merger is approved sprint customers will remain on the sprint network and resume as normal.. anyone new signing up with sprint will automatically be placed on the TMO network.. Once TMO feels enough capacity is added to the network ( current sprint customer) become free agents and can sign up with the new TMO( which is believe current sprint customers will receive an enticing deal). Those were Braxton Carter’s words at a conference.. So, sprint customers will not be able to keep there plans according to this strategy. TMO roaming will remain open to sprint customers as well in the mean time .. as T-Mobile works on integrating the networks.. also , the new T-Mobile will become a self funded company


     They will issue bonds in dollars and Euros for $19 billion of debt refinancing,  $4 billion for liquidity, $7 billion for loan B debt. This includes bi-lateral with Deutsches Telekom, for a total of $19 Billion.  That will give the new T-Mobile $70 billion in high yield debt.   They do have consents for Sprint and T-Mobile bond holders.

    This article also mention $10 billion of integration spending.

    So, expect higher pricing , as the new tmo is going to be spending big money the first few years into the merger



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  12. I'd imagine that B41 on LTE will be used for a while while 5G equipment gets deployed.  Especially by the time the merger wraps up Sprint will have B41 on a vast majority of their macros.  Already near 70% aren't they? Until a large chunk of phones support 5G, adding ~50million customers while removing 60MHz of LTE seems crazy. 
    I imagine this will be a slow multiple year process. 
    It took Tmobile 2 years with Metro, ~10million customers and shutting down 10,000 sites.  Yeah, Tmobile has experience here, but this is 5x the project, nationwide, and they are talking about taking it at a per market basis while getting it done in the same amount fo time?  Plus we don't even know any restrictions the FCC may place on Tmobile that could mess with timelines. Seems very optimistic.  If they can pull it off, more power to them, but it's a huge project!

    It has been stated in their strategy that once merger approved .. current sprint customers will remain on the sprint network and anyone signing up new will automatically get put on the tmo network.. and one tmo feels enough capacity is on the network ( via integration) then sprint customers will be moved over to the new T-Mobile

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