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Posts posted by tyroned3222

  1. FCC to resume "Shot Clock" on merger early December:
    FCC to resume review of Sprint T Mobile merger
    Look near the bottom part of Article for the DOJ standing as of now....  
    CNBC Exclusive: CNBC Transcript: U.S. Assistant Attorney General for Antitrust Division Makan Delrahim Speaks with CNBC's David Faber

    Ya, the chief of the DOJ said “ their isn’t enough evidence to support the claim that ether company will fail if the merger is a no go

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  2. I dont know what they mean exactly. The networks have already been combined in project fi. A great deal of both subscriber bases have phones that can use either spectrum. From the end user point of view I dont see what would take three years. 

    Moving the equipment over to tmo sites and decommissioning sprint towers..your not going to pay 2 separate tower leases just because you can creat a project FI like network... so tmo users will have to wait until sprints equipment is fully implemented on tmo towers.. and the sprint towers
    That tmo will keep gotta wait until tmo puts their equipment on it

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  3. https://www.fiercewireless.com/wireless/t-mobile-inks-533m-reciprocal-long-term-spectrum-lease-deal-sprint?utm_source=internal&utm_medium=rss
    So spectrum will exchange hands via lease soon. Any ideas which areas will be impacted the most?

    In any case these swaps will be un even .. most of tmos low band is in use or not cleared and they don’t have a ton of mid band ..

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  4. This isn’t very good news at all. Sprint is approaching dangerous territory here.   


    I agree! Their churn is self inflicted promos are ending customers are leaving and this came from both Marcelo and Michel . The network is performing at a all time best and customers are still leaving not good.. John said volte will also be ready and fully deployed commercially in 2019, but I didn’t fully like his respond ether on that subject  Not a great time to be a sprint investor 

    Sprints capex isn’t proportional to their adds .. so they are spending way more then what they are making and adding to the company


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  5. They have 2.5 GHz deployed on roughly 70% of their sites. Dr. Saw said they “remain on track to complete the majority of our triband upgrades by the end of this fiscal year.”

    That would be 3/31/2019 and the Earnings Call for last year was held on May 2, 2017.


    The network should be mature and ready to compete at its best by that time, but the customers losses are increasing and Marcelo said it won’t get better going into their Q3 as promos are ending customer are leaving .. even after the network improvements posted by sprint and confirmed by 3rd party testing firms



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  6. I read the new T-Mobile's strategy quite differently. Never hurts to have more low band capacity - 5g will about double their 600 MHz speeds. In some areas they may have an untouched 600 MHz reserved for 5g. Their strategy also called for making b41 all 5g. Likely would do the same with other bands as quickly as possible. Also to hold on to enough Sprint sites to cover several years growth (a lot of Sprint sites are cosites). For extra 5g capacity they have started buying 28mm (already have 800MHz in lots of Ohio) and likely would continue an auction. Don't forget more 2.5 will come up soon for auction (mostly rural and small cities).
    Masa's strategy has always been to get critical mass to compete against the duo. I think Sprint has given various options a reasonable try in recent years. More money would always be nice, but marketing strategy has always been the weakness. In business timing is everything. Can't be too early or too late. T-Mobile sucked the air out of the room as far as Sprint is concerned.
    Masa could likely buy a larger share at a later date if desired.

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    At this point everyone is trying to do whatever it takes to get this merger to get approved... There is a proposed re-brand of the metro pcs brand happening on September 23rd .. new name new plans and all .. seems tmo is adding the finishing touches to get this approved33be140f65abcce5dbbe7a902466ffb1.jpg

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  7. Are there criteria which determine whether UL B41 CA is active and that disable HPUE?
    Is this determined by the network or on the device itself?
    Or, will a device like the iPhone XS always have HPUE enabled, which disables UL B41 CA?
    After further testing by @terrell ... 2xca upload cuts out when you hit 100DBM .. which at that point it would seem that hpue will kick in again

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  8. 5 CA DL for B41. Just double checked the FCC filings. 
    Pixels --> https://s4gru.com/forums/topic/7893-pixel-3-xl-in-fcc-oet/
    Got one more question.. I have a few friends that are using Sprint in market's that are part of the soft launch for volte.. are reporting lots of drops to 1x now and toggling airplane mode isn't helping much. Could that be because of the volte launch ?

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  9. The fact a modem supports a technology doesn't matter. It's down to the manufacturer to license the specific technology and engineer the device's RF hardware to take advantage of it.  The iPhones are (not XR) are 4x4, 256/64 QAM, 4 DL CA, 2 UL CA (B7 / 41 2CC). 


    Interesting, so Intel shows the modem to be capable of 5xca downlink, but on Sprint it can only make use of 4xca downlink.. 

    Btw, Tim are you able to link to to your post about the new pixels not supporting 2xca upload and limited mimo streams


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  10. Plus that little spat still going on between Qualcomm and apple in which Qualcomm is stating that apple has been forwarding Qualcomm ip to Intel which is a whole other can of worms that's been opened. 
    Your speaking about something totally different if I'm understanding correctly.. your talking about certain tech that Intel uses and hasn't paid Qualcomm it's royalties for it

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  11. Sprint management dropped the ball again. They had the upper hand going into 5G then decided to surrender to Tmobile when that particular company didn't have the spectrum holdings to deploy it. Tmobile has been selling the myth of 5G in that little slice of spectrum they own in the 600mhz which won't cut it. Massa Son surrendered to the Germans for just a couple of board seats and a minority stake, what a fool. Tmobile then would have to go into a bidding war with the twin bells for 3.5ghz-4.7ghz spectrum which they would lose since the two mentioned have a lot of money to burn.


    I'm sure there's more to it .. pressure from Sprint and softbank investors for one... Also, Masa was feeling the heat/pressure from his own board members.. Sprint wasn't meant to go at it alone. As soon as Masa purchased his percentage he was supposed to merge them with TMO that didn't happen... So, this whole time Sprint posting better number etc starving the network to post profits was all to make this merger possible


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  12. So if I’m reading this chart correctly, from a 5G front Sprint would/bring speeds that will be competitive with the big two. T-Mobile would be absolutely the slowest (sprint of the 5G world). So this is T-Mobile saying “we need Sprint so that we can keep claiming we are the fastest.” Sprint will be the smallest carrier in coverage but will be able to handle their own in the speed dept and could become a threat. 
    My market ( El Paso,tx) is a perfect example: from internal upper management.. TMO has one of their biggest market share in the country here and that demand has slowed the network down tremendously... Even, Sprint is faster here now with far less sites then tmo.. So, that tells me TMO need more spectrum and lot more macro towers/small cells which in return will spike their Network investment by about 20% as per the article just to stay above float it seems as there growth still seems to be tremendous

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  13. This is a pretty damning chart for TMobile. Keep in mind this is sourced by Tmobile themselves.sprinttmo.jpg?.k1D8hXjUCbKr0ZLXtlhJ8EjFBARQuXk&itok=Pnhchs6x

    Link to source..



    Ya, I don't know if this is a accurate analysis.. TMO needing 38 thousand more tower to carry their demand ..that would put them ahead of Verizon in term of total tower I believe ... But it does show that Sprint has better chance going into 5G

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