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Everything posted by jreuschl

  1. I thought Sprint was done, per John Legere? Surely there can't be any demand for a new phone on Sprint, is there?
  2. https://apps.fcc.gov/oetcf/eas/reports/ViewExhibitReport.cfm?mode=Exhibits&RequestTimeout=500&calledFromFrame=N&application_id=598336&fcc_id=A3LSMN910P Ding ding! Sprint Note 4! Unfortunately just 25/26/41 for LTE so no rural wonder. Apparently AJ etc are aware of it already and dissecting it. Also, apparently no carrier aggregation
  3. FCC doc for a Note 4 https://apps.fcc.gov/oetcf/eas/reports/ViewExhibitReport.cfm?mode=Exhibits&RequestTimeout=500&calledFromFrame=N&application_id=569041&fcc_id=A3LSMN9108V The Sprint version is SM-N910P. Can't seem to find it on the FCC site, unless the FCC ID is different. AT&T/TM Maybe: https://apps.fcc.gov/eas/GetApplicationAttachment.html?id=2381577 https://apps.fcc.gov/eas/GetApplicationAttachment.html?id=2380694
  4. What is the battery life on the watch is what I am wondering.. that's where other color watches fail (well, and cost) And does it work on Android? :-D
  5. And right after the watch video it goes back to pre event footage!
  6. Even though I use Android, I know Google has never been able to get NFC really adopted. Apple can do this.
  7. Interesting on how the Plus has a better camera.
  8. Wifi calling only on TM for now.
  9. Supports carrier aggregation but on what networks?
  10. Feed is back temp for me, but there's still a 2nd audio in Chinese!
  11. THIS is funny: There's a #freejonyive campaign going on on Twitter today.
  12. Even though I am an Android user, I do have an iPad and MacBook (with Windows running in VM...) so I always enjoy these events, and to see what interesting ideas Apple has. This would be the first iPhone I'd consider given the screen size options. One reason I probably won't get one? I enjoy running SignalCheck and Sensorly on my Android, being a Sprint geek
  13. I'm scratching my head as to why Samsung is taking over a month to ship the Note 4. The iPhone 6+ or whatever it will be called will be in stores before then! I can see a delay in the Edge model, but not the regular Note.
  14. Nothing in FCC docs apparently yet for the new Note. It might be interesting if the metal band on the 4 vs. the plastic on the Edge makes any difference RF wise.
  15. Just think, if you get the Edge, maybe you can see the display on a table outside of the pool!
  16. I generally like Seidio cases, also. Let's see what they can design for the Edge!
  17. Besides, what other phones will be coming out that could support it? MAYBE the iPhone 6? Only other would be Nexus X. We may get an idea of that when the new Mot X is announced tomorrow.
  18. Agreed. Maybe it is a good thing we have to wait a month. Hopefully we'll know something about the X by then.
  19. I'll be bummed if it doesn't support Carrier Aggregation despite having the Snapdragon 805.
  20. http://www.theverge.com/2014/9/3/6097297/samsung-galaxy-note-edge-wraparound-display Great pics here. Disappointed the battery capacity drops to 3000mah on the Edge :/ I know that isn't a huge difference but it is a compromise.
  21. I wonder if they truly will be the only one? It could be a creative press release saying you can only get those phones with Sprint Spark on Sprint :-D Of course the VZ version wouldn't have Spark.
  22. Not sure what kind of case would work on the Edge model. OCTOBER release for the Note!
  23. OCR with camera looks nice! Optical image stabilization in back, F1.9 lens in front. Selfie panorama!
  24. CAT 6 LTE. Nothing about water resistance.. grrrrrrr
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