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Everything posted by Vince

  1. All I know is prl does not control LTE. And LTE is controlled by the network. However that works remains a mystery to me. Vince
  2. It shouldn't. Once there are plenty of tri band devices in the wild, and Sprint actually launches a true tri band city, the network will divvy up the traffic as necessary. So instead of every phone hammering band 25, they'll be thinned out amongst the bands. And sprint has a ton of available spectrum to increase capacity on 41 as necessary. Vince
  3. Do we know for sure if 26 has a higher priority than 25 on the iPhone? I can't really seem to find that answer. Plus, I think band switching is controlled by the network. Vince
  4. Absolutely. Band 41 is in enough places here to compensate for degraded 25. And it's glorious. Blazing fast. Vince
  5. Digi, what market are you from? Vince
  6. It's usually the same where I've tested it (in the worst LTE spots in Chicago) it tends to be about the same. Maybe a hair better. 41 is very prevalent in Chicago and has seemingly eliminated the concern for dead 25. Where I used to get 100kbps on 25, I get 30mbps+ on 41. Plus, I, along with most people, am anxiously awaiting 26. If you're on a single band device here, you're going to suffer for quite some time. It's going to (hopefully) be a great spring/summer around here. If Sprint can get 26 rolling here, plus having the galaxy s3 people (which I feel is one of the most popular devices still out there) possibly taking upgrades soon, and spreading them amongst the bands, the load should lessen. Edit: plus the elusive USCC LTE carrier implementation that we're still awaiting. Vince
  7. I've noticed zero change. Other than a few new towers here and there, capacity is still the issue. But I won't beat that dead horse. Vince
  8. I wouldn't expect anything to move quickly. I believe it was Robert who said, "Chicago is basically finished. If any site still needs LTE, or is still legacy, that there is a major problem. Either with back haul, or building permits." I'm starting to believe that because the site I've been waiting for (along the Stevenson between Harlem and Lagrange has been dead as a doorknob since they installed the equipment in December 2012. Vince
  9. Let us know if service improves in the immediate area. Any help with service downtown is appreciated. Vince
  10. Eh, it's not worth the hassle. This was just a theoretical situation. I only personally know 4/10 framily members. Hopefully, someone leaves. Vince
  11. Here's a question that someone can hopefully answer: I have a framily of 10. What if I add a line to my account? Will the extra line default to the $55/mo rate while the rest stay at $25? Vince
  12. Yes, please tell us what kind of phone you have. Wondering if you were picking up band 26 indoors, or possibly a very weak band 41. That would be a great place for Sprint to launch 26. Maybe they had a DAS installed for the event, or a COW? Vince
  13. Vince

    LG G2 Users Thread!

    I would try and remove/reinsert the SIM card. Pop out the tray on the side with a small paper clip or an earring. Vince
  14. Vince

    LG G2 Users Thread!

    This seems like a major software fail. What about those customers that know nothing about the phone, and only know they want spark speeds? They'll be receiving the update, and still have 26/41 locked. This seems like a major csr headache. Vince
  15. I'm going to post this here since I can't get an answer elsewhere on the forum. I had a digi prl loaded and noticed I had a roaming triangle occasionally when making/receiving calls. Signal check showed it as Sprint*. I did a prl update to go back to stock prl thinking something was wrong, and still occasionally get the triangle. My question is: will the new uscc spectrum be carrying voice as well? Would my phone think I was roaming on this new spectrum? I've seen other roaming screenshots and signal check showed Verizon*. Thanks Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk
  16. Vince

    LG G2 Users Thread!

    I've messed with the band priorities for a good hour once, and here's what I found: 25-0/26-0/41-1 results in a priority of 41,25,26. 25-0/26-1/41-1 results in 26,41,25. All 1's results in 25,26,41. I don't think 41,26,25 is possible. Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk
  17. Vince

    LG G2 Users Thread!

    Careful. I learned the hard way with trying that method. It completely disabled all push notifications on my phone. I had to backup and factory reset. Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk
  18. Vince

    LG G2 Users Thread!

    I have a question: lately, I've been noticing that triangle next to my signal bars, but only while on a call. Does this indicate roaming? I have a stock g2 with the stock prl. Also, could it think I'm roaming if I'm connected to the new uscc spectrum here in Chicago? Signal check shows Sprint*. I've seen on other threads that when people are roaming on Verizon, it will say Verizon*. Thanks. Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk
  19. I have no idea how to read those, but thank you for your contributions. Does this mean uscc spectrum wasn't found near you, but lte 800 was? Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk
  20. All of those Instagram selfies. #totes #at #the #superbowl
  21. Not every person there had AT&T and verizon only. You'd need to figure the average percent of American cell phone users that have verizon and AT&T. Then you can math it.
  22. Verizon users pulled 2tb and AT&T users pulled 630gb? So much for "97% of cellular users use less than 2gb per month." Imagine the overage charges inside that stadium.
  23. Vince

    LG G2 Users Thread!

    Did you get the update installed? This same thing happened to me. I did it the same way as you. Root checker also said I wasn't rooted afterwards. Maybe after installing the update, it unroots the phone? Just a theory as I'm new to all this android stuff.
  24. Are you running a prl from this forum, or any other custom prl? I was running a premier prl and was constantly roaming. Usually on incoming calls, I would see the roaming triangle.
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