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Everything posted by PythonFanPA

  1. Er....why do you want them to drastically increase prices and drive customers away?
  2. Just to play devil's advocate for those who are only looking at where this is a price increase, unless I'm looking at things wrong, this would actually be a cheaper option for many who either don't need data on all lines or don't need smartphones on all lines. Not saying this will be a prevalent example by any stretch, but just to throw out one that exists in reality.....my gf was already on the precipice of switching from Verizon to Sprint, and she pays almost $190 a month (and that with a discount) for 3 lines for her and her kids right now. In switching to an Everything Data Family/1500 plan (they don't need even that many minutes probably), she'd probably been about the same place before...it'd cost her $150 a month now (not including tax & fees).
  3. Will there also be some KFC coupons included?
  4. Anyone who isn't familiar with this guy yet, allow me to be the one to indoctrinate you, because this guy's stuff is pretty amazing in my opinion. He started this just as a hobby to share with friends and family, but it has quickly blossomed into a huge following just in the past 2 months. He takes music themes from (at least thus far) several beloved classic games, painstakingly picks apart each 'track' and isolates it start to finish. Then with the help of a metronome, he records each track purely acapella, and then combines them into a master track and posts a multi-panel video of the results. Thus far a good chunk of the work he's done originates from Zelda or Final Fantasy games, but he's got some other stuff in there. I'll follow up with a few posts of some of my favorites after this initial post. Side note: if you watch the video panels carefully, he often 'features' his cat in one of them, which is usually pretty funny.
  5. Unfortunately, I have to report that the bluetooth connectivity is not the root cause of this. It may 'speed it up' somehow, but during mapping attempts the past 2 days to/from visiting family for the 4th, I had the mapping process halting problem still happen with no bluetooth enabled at all, and still shows at least a triple-digit reading in the battery usage afterwards. The good news is the Sensorly dev is supposedly going to be adding me as a beta tester, so hopefully I can help get this issue nailed down so it can be fixed.
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