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Everything posted by PythonFanPA

  1. Looks like this thread has gone over a year without a post, but as the wife and I have a trip coming up out to Oregon (mostly the coast from border to border) next month, can anyone give any insight into current expectations of coverage? It looks like we'd be roaming a good bit off and on in between the more built up towns - who is the main roaming provider along the Oregon coast, and would there be any possibility of the roaming being through one of the partners and considered native (expecting not, but figured I'd ask)? Thanks in advance to anyone that can offer any insight.
  2. My wife and I both have one now - thus far, nary a hiccup with either of us. Both rock solid, including through our vacation a month ago.
  3. This post in a prior SVLTE thread should shed light for you as to what's going on there - the Note 3 was the last capable device with Sprint to be able to do what you're now missing: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/7435-questions-about-availability-of-svlte-on-sprints-network/&do=findComment&comment=469142
  4. After reviewing all the launch options I went with one of the Urban Armor Gear cases - they come in a couple different colors and I love the styling: https://urbanarmorgear.com/collections/lg-g5-cases I chose the Magma case.
  5. Yep, updated this morning on my way to work, can't remember what it detailed besides security updates, but the one noticeable change I've seen is a popup if you use a standard charger (the wording is that your phone is charging slow or something along those lines).
  6. I'd have to have a separate app just for Exchange email with my current job regardless since I now work for a DoD related contractor. But I almost never use the default mail app on phones anyway - I use the last working copy of the original Outlook.com app for my Hotmail account (not to be confused with the new Outlook app which, last time I tried testing it still was abysmal by comparison), and Gmail for my Google account. I've had the Hotmail account for probably close to 20 years now so even though I eventually got a Gmail account, I have way too much history/investment in the former to have tried to fully migrate over to the latter.
  7. The only minor complaint I might have thus far (and I read/knew about this going in beforehand from a review or three) is that you can't seem to adjust the brightness of the 'always on' screen. I know it *can* be brighter than default because every once in awhile I see it initiate at full brightness, but it always ends up dimmer than I might like. Can't say anything much about the LG UI because Nova Launcher went into play almost immediately after the very initial setup stages. Overall RF performance seems to be a fair bit better than the GS4T I came from, for me thus far.
  8. Can you elaborate in detailed specifics on what exactly you're meaning here? Are you talking in terms of just speed testing, or actual ability to connect (and stay connected) consistently, or what?
  9. Subjectivity of the reader taken into account, I just wanted to simply state that for my part, if I could 'like' a post 1000 times but could only do it once, this post would probably be my choice.
  10. Same here, I don't have any noticeable gap or issues otherwise with my device, at least thus far. Maybe ever so slightly on the light bleed but only because of curiosity based on people actually testing such a thing. If I hadn't ever read someone actually testing that, it would have never even been a thought in my mind - no average user is going to have a usage scenario where they would ever have that brought to their attention in the first place. All this obsession over cosmetic minutia that mostly will be moot anyway once a case goes on the thing is absolutely hysterical to me. In the actual area of importance - performance - I love the G5 thus far.
  11. Did you do it via Sprint Zone or About Phone/Status? Reason I ask, I initiated my via Sprint Zone but it still showed 55051 as well in the app...but then when I double-checked via About Phone/Status is was showing updated.
  12. So far, I see notable improvement at home compared to my Galaxy S4T (which wasn't considered an RF slouch) , especially when in the basement - not saying night/day difference, but I can get a stronger signal from the closest tower now where before I'd be barely hanging onto 1x/1x800. With LTE I generally am getting -110 to -113 where before it tended to be more in the -118 to -122 range.
  13. I view that and the only word that comes to my mind is 'nitpicky', which even then to me is putting it mildly. Yeah, she may have gotten one with a few minor factory blemishes or something, and she's certainly within her right to replace if it bothers her that much - I don't see the same issues on mine. Even that being said, I'm surprised she didn't stick it under a microscope to analyze how much worse it could be for her: "See there? this part is .037 microns from being a perfectly flat surface. Just crappy LG, I'm disappointed in you!" I don't know who this chick is, but if she's aspiring to be a professional journalist she shouldn't quit her day job. Overall, a fairly crappy overview which was overkill on cosmetics and little to nothing on actual substance.
  14. And to put the whole blown out of proportion 'plastic' ordeal to bed, this is an exchange between an LG Rep and the original video teardown guy:
  15. Thought I'd test-quantify the charging rate today - I just plugged in at 46% and timed 10 minutes out and re-checked, and got 18% charge back. So roughly 1.8% recharge per minute. Note: this is with the stock cable and quick charge plug that comes with it. Also, you can tell when you're in quick charge mode 2 ways....for one, the pulldown notification is labeled as 'Fast-charging', and for another, the battery icon has an extra circle around the usual lightning bolt when in quick/fast charge mode.
  16. Same here - I'm still impressed at how fast this thing gains charge compared to all other phones I've dealt with. I've still got a ways to go setting mine back up like I want, but I've been playing with it as I've been able to (side note: we have my wife's nieces/nephews for a sleepover with her kids tonight so it's not been solid). Even if it doesn't have a 3k+ battery and you didn't have a spare to switch out with, even 15-20 minutes at any AC outlet seems to give me a decent quick boost as I've had it plugged in off and on since early this afternoon.
  17. This Phandroid article better explains what all the bruhaha is about: http://phandroid.com/2016/04/01/lg-g5-metal-plastic-questions/ I could see where if a shady LG salesman was on a streetcorner saying "Hey buddy, you won't see one ounce of anything but 100% pure gal-darn metal in this baby here - no other materials of any kind to be found anywhere!" where someone might be upset, but based on what I've read, the phone does have a metal unibody with other materials involved as well. The interview article with the lead designer I posted previously talked a little about the microdizing process - part of the point was to hide the antenna line. So far all that seems to be just an overblown misunderstanding to me, due to some people taking the simple phrase 'metal unibody' and interpreting it to mean the equivalent of '100% pure unadulterated adamantium - you should be able to line a jacket with these and make your own bulletproof vest!!' I don't quite understand this whole 'we want hard metal phones' fetish anyway personally, unless the point for some is they are wanting to come to a day where they can just have an impervious phone and no longer have to act like its sacrilege to not buy a case for it - because be honest, that's what almost everyone nowadays does anyway. As far as being waterproof, I don't see that as any huge deal - they never claimed it would be in the first place for one thing, and for another, while it's nice I suppose on the few phones that actually do that (Samsung mainly) in the off chance you were to mistakenly drop your phone in a toilet or the like, its not remotely a make-or-break feature. Anything can always potentially happen to anyone, but I've yet to do such a thing myself, and in the off chance if I do, hey, life happens sometimes, and I'll suck it up and deal with it.
  18. Harrisburg's rather the opposite direction from Lancaster/Amish country from where I live - though I've seen the odd few in Walmart over on Grayson Road at times. Have yet to find a traditional Amish chick anywhere with a martini in her hand celebrating rumspringa sadly - after you helped enlighten me to that concept, I'd been hoping to spot some random comedy relief while out and about.
  19. I picked up mine today and I love it thus far. System performance is awesome, very snappy in everything, installs are lightning quick, etc. Arysyn, as far as reviews, there were mixed reviews before launch, there are mixed reviews now. Its' not a crappy device at all, but obviously everyone has their own takes on things. I ultimately decided on giving it a try at least (always the 14 day window if I change my mind) due to the battery flexibility, given Samsung appears to have abandoned it. Loving the usb-c connector, it feels much more stable than regular micro usb's on any phone I've used in general, and even without a quickcharge plug it seems to add juice pretty quickly. It feels premium to me, just maybe to a lesser degree than the S7's of the world (and keep that in mind - not all elements, but much of the 'negative reviews' are coming in stark contrast to the S7 line as a comparative to that). Those harping on 3xCA are, again, the relative minority - most people aren't even cognizant of such a thing. For my part, I had no plans to get any of the 'module' Friends, though I may try the LG 360 cam somewhere down the line. Maybe even the roller cam depending on the cost - that kind of looked fun to play around with, particularly with the thought of tormenting the dog and cat in the house here. That being said (on the module point), regardless of what you think of what LG came up with initially, on the other hand, at least LG is actually *trying* to differentiate/innovate/try new ideas between the V10 and this, which is more than I've seen from anyone else really, so even if the end result didn't come off as truly wow-factor, I still give them credit for putting forth some thought/effort. As the saying goes, you can't make a good omelette without breaking some eggs. The only real negative I see right out of the gate with the G5 potentially (aside from being late compared to the S7 and the design change back from the rear volume control which will offput prior LG fans), for those not as ingrained in the possibilities of the Android ecosystem, is that the 3rd 'normal' home screen/launcher option supposedly in the retail release must either be for another carrier(s), or else will come in a later post-launch patch - mine only has the default non-launcher homescreen and then the 'Easy' option labeled as more for 'beginners'. Otherwise, most people I know who *are* more power users never use default launchers anyway whether Touchwiz or otherwise. It'll be Nova Launcher for me anyway. On a side note - if my store experiences this week are any indication, Sprint is definitely hopping these days....the Harrisburg mall store was fairly busy with 2 people ahead of me when I stopped by Monday to preorder at about 3:45 in the afternoon and today I got off early and was there by 2:30 on another workday, they had 3-4 reps plus the manager all helping (I lucked out and picked up the manager as I walked in) and they had 2-3 other people that showed up within 10 minutes that were waiting before I left.
  20. Verge article with the G5 designer Lee Jung Hoon: http://www.theverge.com/2016/3/30/11329862/lg-g5-design-story-lee-jung-hoon-interview
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