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Everything posted by PythonFanPA

  1. Wire Cutter http://thewirecutter.com/
  2. Ironically, somehow this appears to have been an update problem at some point because suddenly after installing the latest update, my phone is vibrating normally again.
  3. This actually begs a question, and probably stupid, but....if/when you get a MB, can you actually set it up initially (or reset/set it up again after initial setup) in a different location? Or in other words, are there some internal pre-ship setup done that the end recipient can't access such that its somehow tied to a specific macro site they determine based on your home location? Reason I ask - if I were somehow approved (which I don't expect personally), I would be very sorely tempted to set it up in the office I occupy at work even moreso than at home. Signal drops in and out all day here.
  4. If my eyesight has significantly deteriorated after my next optometrist visit, expect a lawsuit to show up on your doorstep sir.
  5. Hotel California https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJbSR9xRRbE
  6. The only issue with my wife and I's 'bought-brand-new' G5's is that for mine, the vibration functionality stopped working at some point. I know its been dropped a few times (though I have a fairly sturdy UAG case), so there's a possibility I'm at fault there. Otherwise, no issue at all with ours. I did get a manufacturer refurbished one for my wife's daughter's line, and the first one while working flawlessly for a week and a half just suddenly died - no power/responsiveness at all, switched battery made no difference and even plugging it in would not light up in charge mode while off. On the 2nd refurb now, so far so good.
  7. Got a system update notification this morning, appears to just be another security update though after installing (ZVB).
  8. Warner Brothers (and Warner Sister, naturally)
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