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Everything posted by PythonFanPA

  1. I have no idea exactly where/which intersection, but I'm 99% sure just from looking at this that its somewhere in Murfreesboro, TN.
  2. Could be wrong, but I'd assume we'd see a version level (even minor - aka 7.0.1) if there were any actual functionality changes/patches. Anytime there's just a security patch update the version never changes from what I've observed.
  3. Yep - as I said before, all I called in for in the first place is the AirRave 3 upgrade. It was the Sprint rep himself (who referred to himself/his dept as end-of-the-line support before he even knew what I was calling about, and also noted more than once I was a long-time/loyal customer - not sure if or how that may have played in here) that was pushing the MB, and flat out stated it was not true that you could only have either/or on your account when I stated my understanding of that scenario - then proceeded to order the MB for me before personally transferring me to the section who could order the AR3 for me. If someone contacts me at any point to tell me 'you've got to ship one of them back', I'll post an update here, but this wasn't a scenario I even went in asking for it to happen, and they made a point to make it happen.
  4. Thanks Tim, wasn't expecting those devices showing up in a MB article. I appear to be all good on the AR3 side of things now.
  5. Thanks for the reset suggestion, especially the 'you may need to try it a few times' - it's finally working now. I'm not sure if it prompted an update somehow when it finally connected CDMA, but after 2nd Voice side reset and the other lights reverted to green, CDMA finally lit up as well, for maybe all of 30 seconds at most. Then suddenly, the entire Data side plus 3/4 Voice lights went flashing red (GPS stayed solid green), and after another few minutes, everything on both sides finally flipped back solid green and has stayed that way ever since. Had to reboot mine and my wife's G5's before I could get a call to go through the AR3 vs the nearest macro 1x800, but finally hit the familiar 3-tone intro trying to call my wife's cell.
  6. I was told the polar opposite by an 'end of the line' Sprint rep when I was trying to get upgraded to the AR3. He was pushing the MB and I told him based on what I'd read here that you could only have one or the other on an account, and he pointedly said verbatim, "That's not true at all", and after a brief/further discussion proceeded to set me up with an order for an MB before personally transferring me to the Airrave ordering dept. We'll see what happens down the line I suppose.
  7. I saw that when I was setting it up, but is that one of those pinhole type resets where you have to use an object to reset? When I tried pressing on it I couldn't feel any give to it, so I'm assuming that's the case, but just making sure.
  8. I only got it yesterday as a matter of fact and did the initial physical setup then, but didn't have time to really fully ensure all setup was done until after work today. Came home and gave it a static IP and added in the port forwards on my router for all the noted UDP's from the insert and rebooted the router afterwards. LTE/B41 signal is perfect in the house now (were I to rely on that), but I was mainly looking for voice coverage with it as we used the 2.5 for the same, we use the WiFi we already have at home for data. So, the CDMA issue is a huge one for us. I'll let it sit until tomorrow after work and then try calling Support after I get home again assuming something doesn't magically change.
  9. What is the difference in the Airrave 3 and the S1000 visually (if any)? Mine says 'Airave 3 LTE' on the housing but does have a CDMA light on it - but unfortunately it's the only light that won't turn green.
  10. Fairly sure they can track accounts based on IP's, so changing names (or even creating new accounts) doesn't really fool anyone if they're a troll/troublemaker.
  11. Thanks for pointing out the display name change ability - I updated myself to 'PA' at the end since I've lived in TN for 3 1/3rd years now
  12. The one thing I'll say immediately that I like, which may be purely due to the upgrade and new functionality therein, or may have been neutered in the original configuration - but count me as definitely a fan of keeping the multi-faceted reaction-based 'like' options akin to what you see now on Facebook rather than the like-or-nothing approach. Options are nice.
  13. All I can say is......I wish I had found and read this post before it happened. When the initial page loaded I was in a state of shock to be sure.
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