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Everything posted by NiteSnow

  1. Nice someone else from North Ridgeville. 3G is hell here unless you live at a higher elevation it seems. I haven't noticed any dropped calls though. I have had issues with 3G hand off when crossing city boarders from North Ridgeville to Westlake and Elyria.
  2. LTE doesn't work well in a noisy environment, 800Mhz picks up noise like crazy. 1900Mhz is a better choice for LTE, 800Mhz LTE and 1xA voice will come but it's only to fill gaps. and increase signal propagation where needed. This will aim to get rid of dead zones and bad indoor voice and data (LTE not evdo) coverage, but 1900Mhz doesn't pick up nearly as much noise and that's why I presume they're using it.
  3. At the very least they could offer 1xAdvanced and LTE on 850 using these towers. It would at least allow them to have coverage. I'm assuming these areas with iDEN only coverage are quite rural, so it would be better than nothing and to be honest it would still be better than iDEN for data even with just using 1xA.
  4. 2.54mbit/s sustained maximum 3.1mbit/s burst IIRC. It'll be interesting to see how well the network holds up after deployment.
  5. EvDO Rev. 0 won't surpass 0.16mbit/s upload that's why I assumed it was Rev. 0 as all 3 tests have the same upload speed. I'm assuming with network vision sprint will have more carriers deployed (and actually use their spectrum) so you'll see better speeds even at peak time because the users will be spread across many carriers instead of just one or two. Improved back haul will help out greatly but it doesn't help if you have 100 phones using data on two carriers at peak time (to my understand there is at max 3.1Mbit/s per carrier and that's shared between the connected users.). Beyond that they would have to improve cell density if spectrum becomes constrained. Please correct my if my assumptions are wrong.
  6. I was mainly surprised at the latency, here it's 150ms or higher but recently on some towers it's as low as 130ms. So I guess it's slightly improved back haul and possibly more EvDO Carriers added to the base station.
  7. That may be 3G but it only looks like EvDO rev. 0 check under status for the EvDO revision.
  8. I envy you, your area etc... lol. Those look like NV speeds but it's far to early for that. At least I think it is... I'm not sure if Toledo is in the Cleveland market or not. If so it's definitely to early.
  9. The Cleveland market shouldn't see Network Vision upgrades until late Q4 of 2012 through Q1 of 2013 to my knowledge. Robert may have more info on this. I haven't seen any dropped calls, but I don't usually make too many calls.
  10. To my understanding there is no hand off between WiMax and 3G connections just drop.
  11. Both 3G and 4G technologies will support IPv6 this includes LTE, WiMax, and EVDO.
  12. oops... I guess I didn't pay attention. I want to donate but the only way I'm able to do so is via google checkout or something that accepts credit cards. PayPal screwed me over so I'm unable to use my card with them.
  13. Have you noticed that when compared to other phones the LG Viper has lower signal readings? I was playing with both the LG Viper and the Galaxy Nexus side by side and both had vastly different readings.
  14. pssst!!! http://checkout.google.com/seller/npo/ I wanna donate!
  15. I'm assuming because USB has sheilding and (not to sure on this) because antennas are supposed to be certain lengths for certain wave lengths/spectrum USB cables won't support LTE too well as it doesn't handle noise well either but FM on the other hand can be recieved with a rusty coat hanger...
  16. Microwave links are just wireless bridges. They can be used with any technology that requires IP connectivity.
  17. Thanks for that. That's not too bad at all. Especially in comparison to Verizon's LTE in my area.
  18. Thanks, if you can find anything let me know cause everything has been lopsided in terms of data speeds download is 0.11 and upload is 0.70 during the day so I'm assuming it's back haul capacity issues or tower maintenance knocking towers offline causing a sudden flood of traffic to be pushed onto the tower my phone is using
  19. What will raw data speeds be like between tower and device in optimal conditions at 5Mhz
  20. mac index has been around 99 all day and I keep switching sectors upload is faster than download etc...
  21. Are there any tickets for maintenance or network vision yet? I know it's extremely early to be asking this but, I keep loosing signal and switching towers. When I switch towers/"lose" signal, signal goes from -76 to -103.
  22. Been running this since peter alfonso released a nightly for it on the 29th of last month, it's stable and speedy!
  23. Thanks for the reply, I'll be looking forward to finding out.
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