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Everything posted by utiz4321

  1. Not unless they are still losing money. Both carrier haven't made a year end profit in years. This is the strongest argument for a merger. In a the U.S. vzw and ATT make rather large profits and sprint and T-Mobile lose money which is not a situation that argues well for four carriers.
  2. So is Phoenix effected by ibez or is the delay here just maricopa county?
  3. Well, I take this to mean that rebanding is no where near complete along the southern board and probably won't be from years. That is really unfortunate as now along the southern board sprint will not have a competitive network for years no matter what they do. That is probably the most depressing thing I have read today.
  4. I seem to here that performance in CLWR equipment is impressive and that b41 on sprint is not. I have first hand experience on the sprint equipment and I am less than impressed with coverage, speed and penetration.
  5. I think sprint service is frustrating from a customer poin of view in a lot of markets. This is the case in Phoenix at least. My top five towers are all lte, have two 1900 carriers and 2.6 and most of the time I get great lte service. Yet when i walk in to buildings it is always iffy if I keep my lte connection (lack of 800) and traveling around I often run into towers that either have only 3G upgrades or the one of 12-20 towers that haven't been touched. It makes for an uneven experience, it is good to see them improving but It is still very uneven and from a customer stand point that is frustrating.
  6. Right, but it is not in the chart. As such the article is misleading and doesn't give an accurate comparison. It also doesn't show how multiple lines compare to google's plans which is also misleading. My point is this plans are not really all that competitive.
  7. Yes, but these comparison are biased and incomplete. For example it doesn't show sprint unlimited plan in the chart which is the same price as google's 3 gig plan. Further it only shows the cost of a single line which along with the low end I conceded that Google was cheaper. But for multilingual accounts, or 10 gigs and up Google is more expensive than even vzw and Att.
  8. No att has not. 3 or 5 gigs of 4g data and then unlimited access to 2g data is in fact unlimited data. The amount of data a user can used is not limited by definition it is unlimited. If att or Verizon told people they have unlimited 3 or 4g data the FTC would have a point. They don't.
  9. I don't get it. Att is not lying to customers. ATT has never told a singal customer in marketing or in any other form that they have unlimited 4g or 3G data in the past five years. You don't have it on ATT, you do have unlimited data just not 4g, 4g lte or 3G. There is nothing deceptive about what att or Verizon has done. The FTC is grandstanding and customer who are unhappy about the fact that they are throttled have choices. No customer grandfathered or not has a right to unlimited 4g data on att or Verizon.
  10. Profitability is the only thing a company should care about not what it size is, Unfortunately scale matters for profitability in the wireless industry.
  11. Network expansion plans are what I am looking forward to. Also, whether or not sprint have been able to slow or grow smartphone subs. If they haven't sprint is in trouble as there doesn't seem much they can do to return to growth.
  12. To be more accurate no carrier guarantees coverage anywhere, even where their coverage map shows coverage. The fine print that is accompanies every printed map has that disclaimer.
  13. Downtown chandler, I also noticed a second carrier at chandler and the 101.
  14. Right. But what I was trying to say is the offers and sub base of T-Mobile and sprint are similar enough to assume no large varrence in average sub. Usage. It may be wrong but there is not an obvious reason for that.
  15. But you can say the same about T-Mobile and they seem to manage to maintain high peak speeds. I don't think unlimited data users varry that drastically from limited band width users on average. A great deal many unlimited users are on it just because they like the sound of unlimited. At least that was the claim of sprints last CEO, but things change fast so maybe the population of sprint unlimited users are skewing more towards the high end.
  16. Markets where they lack b26 are going to continue to lag. Even if they have b25 and b41 deployed, simply because of coverage issues.
  17. The best part about this is that sprint has cheap options to improve the area that the lag in the most, Data speed. Simply finishing the last lagging NV sites and deploying all of their spectrum assets across all their towers will improve that metric markedly. Now the just need to execute which is something sprint has struggled with.
  18. Had the similar problem only my credit didn't cover the entire bill. The easy pay messed up on how it billed me and I got a credit for that but according to sprint the way they did the credit causes my account to go pass due. That was two bills ago and I am still trying to get thus fixed. I have paid two bill since then my account shows I am paid in full but also says I am passed due. It has everyone I talk to at sprint stumped.
  19. My reading of the fcc doc makes me believe sprint is under legal obligations not to over pay. It states that Fcc rules require the cheapest option that can be completed in a reasonable amount of time. With that said who would complain if sprint over paid? I have no idea.
  20. I don't know if you cought it but there is a typo, where sprint says that if the FCC is to grant Oakland an extension it should only do so to June of 2105. I think it was suppose to be 2015 but I would like to think sprint was using sarcasm to show how exaserbated they are with these localities holding them up.
  21. That is awesome. It is about time the FCC starts saying not to these squatters. 4 years have gone by and these local governments can't resolve their issues is rediculous.
  22. Assuming some one else doesn't get to nextel first. Nextel really didn't have all that much in way of an evolution path.
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