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Everything posted by utiz4321

  1. Why? Look you guys have been under paying for years if that comes to an end you are just paying what everyone else is. If Can you find a better some where else then good but I am not going to lose sleep over ED plans have to go to installments.
  2. While I am really happy the two year contract option is going away I am a little concerned with leasing being the only option. I hope that was a miss quote on the author's part.
  3. Why they are where they are is not really relevant in a competitive market, that is consumers don't care and they shouldn't. Sprint is a market participant seeking profits, it can only do that by offering services that serves the needs of the consumer at a competitive price. They aren't doing that, maybe they are in the path to doing that but the consumer is going to ask "does this work for me at a price I am willing to pay?", not how did sprint get here. On the plus side they do have so much spectrum that they have yet to put into play that they can change their situation rather quick, especially as their competitors have a harder time meeting the demand for data.
  4. I think he is right about sprint's sleepy Midwestern culture. In the past they have lack a sense of urgency to execute that a fast past tech company would have. Marcelo seems to have change that and I hope they keep it up. This article should give some pause to those that think SoftBank Is willing to expend unlimited resources on a sprint turnaround and would not sell sprint. They are looking for a return on their investment and if they don't think they'll get it they'll cut their loses.
  5. I am super excited about this move. Die, contracts die.
  6. Not good generally. One 25 carrier, overloaded in much of SD proper, little b41 and site spacing and the large number of untouched or 3G only sites makes lte really spoty in areas.
  7. From my experience in an AL city b41 wildly underperforms b25. I work a little over 300 yards from a tower with b41 on it (watched them put it in) and work in a build with a glass fron and the best I can is three bars with connection being sporadic. Out doors on the street with a good line of site I will stay connect magnet .5 miles and that is rare.
  8. I would think a lot of people are. Carriers have pushed subsidies out to two years and if your financing a phone you have gone from paying 200 a year of so for a phone to 325 ish. Phones have gotten more expensive so people hold on to old ones longer.
  9. Yeah but under a reciprocal roaming agreement the net cost tends to be much less.
  10. It's still got to be a good sign that they are getting close to the end of the issues with the county and other squatters. I am optimistic that will start seeing it by the fourth quarter.
  11. Have you been able to go back? I haven't been able to drive out there lately.
  12. I would think so. If it wasn't so far from me I would over there today. I still might.
  13. Let's hope. The network would be really competitive out here with 800 deployed.
  14. Do we have any kind of time table for CCA parteners coming online with lte available for sprint subs?
  15. The network started to be crap way before the iPhone deal. Android users used and continue to use more data than iPhone users.
  16. Plan A for SoftBank was buy sprint and clear merge with T-Mobile. When this ran into regulatory troubles plan B became just tell regulators it's happening and they'll get on board. They are onto plan C, which is dump a bunch of money into sprint, try and compete for a few years then go to regulators and say we tried it your way America is a three carrier market let us merge. That is my guess as to where they are at.
  17. I don't. Why should sprint pay to have you as a customer.
  18. B26 would and the last few sites that have had no work done on them being completed would give sprint a very competitive network in the valley. Network densification would give sprint the best network in the valley.
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