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Everything posted by utiz4321

  1. Yeah, that article is pretty typical of tech. Writers today though. In general they have little in the way of critical thinking skills. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. That was happening in Phoenix too, but it has stopped and we don't have b26 so I drop to 3G faily often. But I am visiting the Bay Area currently and have been noticing the same issue here.
  3. http://www.rootmetrics.com/us/rsr/san-antonio-tx/2015/2H I don't get how sprint did so badly in the data speed portions. Average download speeds where the second highest, upload speed where the worst but does root weight upload and down load the same? If so, that is pretty dumb. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. People are stupid. It isn't a limit. It may never impact you even if you regularly hit the 23 gig mark, especially as the network improves as sprint claims it will. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Only after we hit 23 gigs though.... So go to concerts, sporting events, ect..... Early in the month lol. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Seriously this isn't a big deal. Site congestion is a real problem in some areas and why should data hogs (again I am one of them) get the same level of priority as the vast majority of users at constrained places and times? Get over it or find someone who offers you a better deal for your needs. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. They are not offer less data, they are not even offer less lte data. You are only effected on by this if and only if you have already used 23 gigs of data and are on a high traffic tower at a peak time. Then and only then are you give a lower priority that others on that tower at that time. As the tower becomes unburdened then you are reprioritized. This is not a big deal, so calm down. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Sorry my phone is tweaking out on me I was trying to quote someone else. Lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. No, congestion is a site by site issue and that is how it is handled. The limits are a consumer by consumer metric to classify who is and is not deprioritized. That is why your complaint makes no sense. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. It doesn't even make sense. You could make that argument on a tower by tower basis, "oh I didn't use any of my 23 gigs on this tower so I shouldn't be throttled here". The point from sprint's view and non heavy data users is you have consumed enough unobstructed data to put you in the top 3 percent of users so when you are on a busy site you'll have low priority so the vast majority (and more profitable) customers can minimize the number of negative experiences. This is reasonable and a fair way of managing resources. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. I think this is an immensely fair way of network management. It shouldn't matter if you used 23 gigs in one location and then you are in another. You've utilized a lot of data on sprint's network and if you are on a busy site others who haven't consumed as much data should not see their experience suffer because of a small fraction of users (ps I am part of the three percent). It only applies to busy sites and times and only after you've consumed what is a large amount of data compared to others in the sprint user base. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. I think root metric is best though of as relative comparison of the service level between the carriers in a given location and timeframe. You can't generalize anything beyond this carrier provides a somewhat better average experience in this metro. It that limited use root is a good tool, but for nothing else. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. So, you walk into grocery store thinking well if I shop here it looks like I am going to have to wait for a few hours but Damn this place looks popular so I am going to stick it out? Or are you just trolling at this point? Most people see a long line a wireless shop and if they don't have a problem that needs to be fix leave and don't stand in line. Since most people can wait to port their lines over that means new service is the first to leave. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. They are shouting about it from the rooftops. Marcelo mentions it every time he speaks. He talks about the cost savings, the improved customer satisfaction all the time. Simply Hiring another person doesn't necessarily relieve store congestion. There is a max capacity of the store building itself and the perception problem of a customer walking into a store that looks like it is busy. Apple stores have this problem in my area, I seem to get out of those places in a reasonable amount of time but they look like a visits to the store will take forever and so that is the perception most customers in my area have of them. The proper cost comparison for direct 2 u is between this option and opening a store. In this comparison direct 2 u is probably far cheaper and has customer experience benefits that a store can't match. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. First, you missed the point about rural and urban customers and the effect on the decision making of telecoms. The vast majority of revenue is generated in the nonrural markets and thus any carrier has to consider the competitive nature of those markets in their strategic thinking and rural customer benefit from that. Att and vzw Rural customer pay the same for service as their urban customer do, therefore the moves of competitors in urban areas indirectly benefit rural customers. Rural customers only have two choices because that is what that local market can sustain. rural areas have horrendous choices for all sorts of goods and services for the exact same reasons, it is why I will never choose to live in a rural area of this country. Second, part of the reason the wireless industry has so few healthy players is because the carriers have been operating in a net neutral way. In a NN world it seems only to wireless carriers can make profits. If carriers where allowed to charge contented providers for special high speed access to customer profits for telecom would expand and perhaps sprint and T-Mobile would be in the black. Then maybe having four national carriers would be sustainable, as it is three might not. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. It wouldn't be the first time a large corporation continued to throw good money after bad. I'll say it again, but it is probably revenue generating or sprint sees it becoming revenue generating given Marcelo's approach to spending. On another note, what do you think the people who use direct 2 u would do if that service wasn't available once they got there phones in the mail? Read the activation instruction mailed to them and transfer all their content through whichever of the easy to use cloud services they choose to use? Nope. They would walk into a store, see a rep anyway and tie down the resources of the stores, which sprint wants to be focused on sales. It probably cost sprint just as much or more having these people come to a store. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. ATT is already testing this service in select markets. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Given the way sprint does their budgeting I can't imagine this would get funded unless this is revenue generating. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Sprint could have 100 million customers And adding more at a rapid pace, but if can only do those things by loosing money with no road to profitability there is no room for them in the market. Both sprint and T-Mobile have to show that they can earn a return on the massive investments they have made over the past 4 years or so in order to justify a four player market. Investors and analyst are skeptical. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Because the market seems to be saying it only wants three carriers. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. I think analysis don't understand what sprint is trying to do. If I had to guess they are trying to change their business model. But people who look at this stuff for a living either don't understand what they are trying to do or are not convinced it will work. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Yes, you should be able to use it on sprint and it has all the bands sprint uses for lte.
  23. Well this is good news. Mobile life and the New York City urban mobile experience | RootMetrics - www.rootmetrics.com http://www.rootmetrics.com/us/blog/special-reports/2015-1h-new-york-urban-experience Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. This is way off topic, but the total gap in funding of federal pension is nearly as large as the unfunded liabilities in social security. The pension programs run by our government are in trouble through out. Further the 46 billion in loses the post office has accrued over the past 7 years can't be fully accounted by their pension program. I gave that example as my last experience but it was in no way unique. Maybe it is a difference in region but where I am at the wait rivals the MVD/DMV, the people are rude and the mail delivery people are asses, as a rule anyway. There are exception, but they seem to rare. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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