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Everything posted by Hugo

  1. Correct. Therefore, your idea of having 4G "...inserted as 2G/3G..." is inadequate, as people would not know if the tracked "enhanced 3G performance" was truly enhanced, or merely the result of 4G data pollution.
  2. I understand what you care about, but we are at S4GRU.com -- not SWhateverRU.com.
  3. It may be just me, but I have a deep distaste for something knowingly presented as what it is not.
  4. I though the point is to track LTE signal locations and strengths? If RootMetrics can't tell the difference between 3G and LTE, why bother with it? Wouldn't that be worse than nothing?
  5. Phone still has eHERPES, signal bounces among three towers, 3G slowed to a crawl, and EVDO channel switched from 150 to 75, then back to 150. LTE must be coming!
  6. Everyone is testing, thus slowing the network. <ducking>
  7. At first, I understood that as, "I thought Nevada is South Carolina, was going to be Alcatel/Lucent?" and thought, "Huh?" but now I know what you meant.
  8. In Sensorly, I see LTE activity just north of Homestead Air Reserve Park, mostly on the Turnpike. The LTE may be switched off for now, as I went through there a couple of hours ago and didn't pick up LTE. With Sensorly on, I drove south on SW 137 Ave from 152 St until I reached SW 168 St. Drove east on 168 st until US-1. Drove south on US-1 until I reached the southernmost entrance to the Turnpike, near Palm Drive. I entered the Turnpike and drove north, exiting at SW 152 St. I'll have better luck next time.
  9. Still on at my home in 33157, but it was only turned on last Friday...
  10. True, but eHERPES is spreading fast, and could mutate into LTE... Bring it on!
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