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Posts posted by newboyx

  1. What program takes a screenshot of your phone?

    If using the Evo press the power button and home

    Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk 2

  2. I guess I should have stated stock version as yours shows a modded name.


    Sent from my C64 w/Epyx FastLoad cartridge

    Sorry, if it helps I didn't modify any of the info you are seeking.


    Sent from my LTEless Evo LTE using Tapatalk. :-(

  3. From my reading it's telling you to uncheck "destroy all" so that processes will remain running. Some folks had the option checked so that Sense was shutting down whenever they left the home screen. Unchecking the option should make multitasking better for those who had it checked.


    Sent from my EVO LTE using Forum Runner

    Gotcha, I guess I read it wrong.


    Sent from my LTEless Evo LTE using Tapatalk. :-(

  4. I tried to talk my wife into the Viper (I was trying to be thrifty) she said no :-(

    I guess I have to man up and buy her a Nexus.


    Sent from my LTEless Evo LTE using Tapatalk. :-(


    No matter what, the problem is temporary. It most likely can be fixed by software, with an OTA. But even if it is a hardware issue, then HTC is going to have to ship everyone new devices to replace them with one that does work. That is so painful to consider, that I just don't even want to think about it. Let's get back to thinking about an OTA.



    I assume and hope you are correct in the belief that it can be fixed via OTA. I am typically not a doom and gloom type of person, but this phone has had a rocky start to it's life so far.


    Sent from my LTEless Evo LTE using Tapatalk. :-(

  6. HTC has been very proactive in the past with fixing device issues... perhaps they will have a fix by the time the gs3 launches? I mean, if three out of four devices can connect without issue, is it really gonna make sprints network look bad if one cannot?

    Yes, it would look terrible. I bought a LTE phone with the understanding that it could in the future connect to Sprint's LTE network. If every other device can connect but mine can't there will be some uproar from lots of people who bought the Evo LTE. It has LTE in the name! I am perfectly fine with it not being to connect to a network that doesn't really exist yet, but I will have a huge problem when and if it can't connect to the network when it is launched.


    Sent from my LTEless Evo LTE using Tapatalk. :-(

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  7. Right, but read the rest of my post. When I actually click on the Google Prepaid Card, it never asks me or gives me the chance to fund it, it simply goes to "Adding card... Verifying your account with Money Network", sits in that status for a while, then gives me an error message. It won't actually let me add the card or fund it.


    So, am I doing something wrong, or is there an error with the app/service?

    There is an issue with the EVO LTE activating the card for the last week or so. I actually changed my build.prop to match the Galaxy Nexus and it went through on the first try.


    Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2

  8. How much of the noticeable heat could be attributed to having a much thinner and lighter phone? Is it possible that most of our previous phones got to similar temps, but because they were much bulkier we didn't really notice?


    Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2

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