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Everything posted by newboyx

  1. They took down my site for about 2 hours today while working on it.
  2. Here we go again. I just closed the tab with all of this typed out... The view from my porch Now the good stuff... The electricians are done at this site. The crew that bolted down the new cabinets,built the new platform and installed the new panels/RRU anticipates being finished tomorrow. Next up will be the "integration" crew. No time frame was given for when they would arrive. I am guessing that they will do something with this
  3. Hopefully I can make it out of work early enough to enjoy the awesomeness that is Crane Day Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
  4. Looks like we have power to the cabinets And a shot of the label on the crates. They moved them closer to the fence just for me. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
  5. I know. I wish that all of the chronic complainers would take a second to think about the insane amount of work involved. "My" site is very open and easily accessible, and involves a lot of time and effort. I can only imagine the work involved in some of the more challenging sites around. Doing this kind of work in a busy/populated urban area with lots of foot and vehicle traffic must be a royal pain. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
  6. Stopped by today. The electricians are currently running power to the boxes. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
  7. Spite. Sprint doesn't like people of the loop. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
  8. Well my @cruzerlite case almost made it 2 weeks before the black started peeling away. http://t.co/2MMug4g7

  9. I am really enjoying watching the progress on a day by day basis. Looks like we have some digging today, and some work being done inside the base cabinets. Overall, it just looks like a busy site. Miscellaneous tools scattered everywhere. Still waiting to see inside the crates...
  10. That explains why Google failing me Sent from a phone using an application. That's pretty cool.
  11. And we have the beginnings of a new platform Sent from a phone using an application. That's pretty cool.
  12. Went over and talked to the workers today. He works for a company named Sratos Communications. They are based out of Brownsburg, IN. They did some of the work in Chicago while waiting for central Indiana to be ready for work. His crew will be doing the digging (see picture above) but a separate group from his company (the Civil Division) will be doing the actual fiber connection. His crew will also be wiring up the base cabinets. They are going to be building a platform to replace the current structure on the tower. The crane is scheduled to arrive on Thursday. The panel/RRU are already assembled, but still boxed up. Interesting side note of the conversation. His company is being contracted out by a company name "Black Beach" or something similar. I couldn't quite make it out with cars driving by and other background noise, This company (Black Beach) is behind schedule on deployment. From the way he described it, Samsung is getting a little impatient with "Black Beach" not getting the work done as fast as expected. If this company doesn't get caught up (I am not sure if he was referring to Indianapolis or all of Samsung's deployment area) by March Samsung will be taking back control of the roll out from that company and handle it themselves or through a different contractor.
  13. Stratos Communications doing some work this morning. Sent from a phone using an application. That's pretty cool.
  14. Looks like some digging is in the near future Couple of new little boxes And I know I have a problem when I find new pipes exciting Sent from a phone using an application. That's pretty cool.
  15. No site action today :-( Sent from a phone using an application. That's pretty cool.
  16. No work on Sunday or Monday. I checked Tuesday at 11:45AM, no work. Swung back by at 11:45PM. Someone had been there. Only thing that I could see that was different was that the base station cabinets have been unwrapped, and placed in what I an guessing is their final location. They look to be lined up nicely. Here are a few pics Here a a few shots of the legacy equipment I am off work today. Hopefully I can actually catch some work in progress. And hopefully get a crew that likes to chat...
  17. I am not knowledgeable enough on the subject to debate it as well as you guys, but I do enjoy following along. Sent from a phone using an application. That's pretty cool.
  18. That's a great way to look at it. The lack of LTE in my area resulted in me hanging out here and reading threads like a mad man. Due to the wait I have learned so much from some of the most knowledgeable people around. I am a more informed person on several fronts due to this site. You will not find a better grouping of people anywhere on the internet that are willing to educate people about the very complex workings of mobile device connectivity that we take for granted. Sit back and enjoy the insane amount of information available to you. Sent from a phone using an application. That's pretty cool.
  19. http://www.s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/2509-Network-Vision/LTE---Tucson/Yuma-Market Also, population of a market/city has zero relevance to when it is upgraded. Sent from a phone using an application. That's pretty cool.
  20. Every area that is currently covered by the Sprint 3G footprint will get LTE. Sent from a phone using an application. That's pretty cool.
  21. For information on becoming a Sponsor see this thread http://www.s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/1195-Information-about-S4GRU-Sponsorship-levels-and-how-to-become-a-Sponsor Sent from a phone using an application. That's pretty cool.
  22. The public information is here http://www.s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/1961-Network-Vision/LTE---Cincinnati-Market You were prompted for a password because you are not a sponsor. Sponsors get more detailed information. Sent from a phone using an application. That's pretty cool.
  23. No work done on Saturday. Honestly I don't expect any work on Sunday either. Sent from a phone using an application. That's pretty cool.
  24. Wow, that's interesting. Can't wait to hear the details of this. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
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