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Posts posted by RedSpark

  1. On 2/21/2019 at 7:58 PM, utiz4321 said:

    They didn't. What he is saying technically true but misleading. They could have spent money on more spectrum but given the can't afford to put all their current spectrum to use i don't think they could have spent billions on spectrum and billions deploy it and billions deploy massive MIMO. So yes, they could have bought some but that isnt the end of the story. 

    Technically true but misleading? Not sure what that means. He was either telling the truth or he wasn’t. There isn’t a middle ground here.

    He was either telling the truth or he wasn’t on why Sprint passed on the 600 MHz spectrum.

    He was either telling the truth or he wasn’t on the deployment timeline for 600 MHz... or maybe he was completely wrong, which is a whole other issue.

    My opinion: if Sprint is now talking about needing $20-25 Billion from banks/bonds to go it alone with a network build should the merger fail, it could have afforded less than that for 600 MHz. T-Mobile spent nearly $8 Billion for what it got, and it got a ton. Furthermore, Sprint would have realized much greater cost efficiencies on its national 5G build because of it being low band and it wouldn’t be in the position of having to borrow $20-25 Billion.

  2. 34 minutes ago, belusnecropolis said:

    They really need to get this guy out front more. He is obviously knowledgeable then proceeds to explain this upgrade to a group in such a concise manner, even journalists can understand it well. 

    John is funny and charismatic with the crowd, he has been with Sprint for so long. Marcelo went from surprise new CEO, awkward Wall Street talking head appearances, to selling a merger. No one is really sure what his customer facing role is outside of rich people poasting on Twitter.

    Another great presser from Dr. John.

    Thanks for finding this NextgenCPU!

    Yeah, John is great. I do miss Guenther, but John really stepped up to fill the role.

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  3. On 2/24/2019 at 2:13 PM, nexgencpu said:

    Most likey lack of 2xCA/64QAM

    Perhaps it will be supported in the next iPhone?

    EDIT: Isn’t it supported here?

    Intel XMM7560 Modem Specs: https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/wireless-products/mobile-communications/xmm-7560-brief.html

    Carrier Aggregation LTE FDD/TDD/Hybrid DL 5CA UL 2CA
    Modulation LTE UL-64QAM; DL-256QAM
    4x4 MIMO
  4. 11 minutes ago, Trip said:

    It appears that the three sites on the eastern shore of the Potomac at the three sites in DC.  So coverage doesn't extend into Maryland.  This is odd, because there are a number of Massive MIMO installations, from what I can glean from the MLS data, between the DC/Maryland border and the Beltway in Montgomery County, including near Bethesda and the water tower at Cabin John.

    - Trip

    Good points. Wondering why these aren’t included?

    Looks like National Harbor isn’t depicted in the initial coverage area either. ☹️

  5. 31 minutes ago, Trip said:

    In the DC area, that correlates well with sites where Massive MIMO sites have been observed on the air already.  There are additional sites outside of that area where permits have been applied for that indicate Massive MIMO gear will be installed.

    - Trip

    Needs more Maryland!

    Hard to tell if Bethesda is covered by 5G on that map.

  6. 1 hour ago, jreuschl said:

    421 mbps on 5G? The specs for gigabit phones exceed that. Is 5G really going to provide any specific benefits having a 5G phone.

    Sent from my SM-G892U using Tapatalk

    The fine print in the “Chicago Drive Test” video said this test was over two MIMO layers and that speeds at commercial launch will actually be faster with additional MIMO layers and dual connectivity.

    Some good info here:


    And here:


    • Like 2
  7. 11 minutes ago, imex99 said:

    I'll look when home this afternoon.

    Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

    Is the device updated to the latest iOS version and Carrier Bundle?



    Does the option to use LTE for Voice & Data appear under “Settings —> Cellular —> Cellular Data Options —> Enable LTE” ?

    • Like 1
  8. 13 minutes ago, Paynefanbro said:

    Same. I feel like at this point Sprint should start releasing phones with VoLTE available rom the start instead of via software update at a later date. 

    Yeah. I understand things need to be adequately field tested, but I’m not sure what’s different about enabling VoLTE on the S9 or S10 when it’s already on the S8.

    As for it being on the iPhone, Sprint pushed it out the door to the iPhone 8 and later all at once.

    Now that I’m used to VoLTE on my device, I can’t believe I didn’t have SVOD for so long.

  9. On 2/22/2019 at 9:48 AM, Tengen31 said:

    Yeah I know volte will help however they still relie on CDMA to much. I'm getting impatient waiting for Volte on my s9+. Had it on my S8 and it worked fine. Not sure what the hold up is.


    Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk




    Hopefully the S10 launches with VoLTE enabled...

    I’ve had a good experience with VoLTE on my iPhone XS in the DC area so far.

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