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Everything posted by Calvin200

  1. Have the notice of the update on my phone. Now all I have to do is leave work so I can get a signal.
  2. Yes. The person who I work for sent out our schedule. My friend and I, who bought his phone the same time as me, received the file but somehow messed it up. Everyone else received the schedule at the same time and got it correctly.
  3. I wonder what my update was then? Hmm? I just got it within the last few hours.
  4. I just got a Sprint update. I'm running android version 4.2.2 Software version LS980ZVA. Are those recently released?
  5. I don't think that could stay a secret long enough for it to all of a sudden show up or even close to deployment to be a surprise.
  6. I wasn't getting on Saturday either. Hopefully they are working on something.
  7. My phone and my friend's phone, both LGG2's, can be right next to each other and my phone doesn't have any results for the 800 signal and his will. Does SignalCheck only show the signal when it is using it? We both have current updates, what could be the reason?
  8. I didn't see this link, pardon me if it's already posted. I little Son http://www.bloomberg.com/video/softbank-ceo-masayoshi-son-charlie-rose-03-11-42hVejRiTYagXWH~9MohJQ.html
  9. My friend and I both have Spark enabled devices (LG G2) and we both updated our phones. We were comparing signal levels and he was able to pick up some 800 and I could not. We compared our phones throughout the night in different places and I got no 800 love where he had it most of the time. Is this a Spark (network) feature or is this a possible phone issue, or neither. When I took my phone in to test it they told me two things that made me think twice. The first one was they had no equipment at the corporate store level that could test my antennas. The second thing was, the Sprint rep told me that during their recent meeting they were told that 800 is going to be used exclusively for voice and there will be no data on 800. Is that true?
  10. I recently am getting no 800 showing on my signal check. My friend who also has a G2 was showing 800 all night while I had none. The corporate Sprint store said they couldn't even test to see if there was a problem with my 800 reception. Any input?
  11. Is it suppose to switch off of LTE to make a voice call? I've also noticed that I am not getting the 800 signal showing up on my phone when using signal check. I updated everything and even uninstalled "signal check lte" but my friend right next to me with the same phone was getting the 800 signal measured.
  12. I'm pulling down -113 at my house and I often have to turn off my LTE in order to talk on my phone to not be disconnected. I am connected to the closest tower and I believe the next closest tower is already updated. Is that normal at that level? Is it going to be like this until 800 gets turned on?
  13. I thought I saw Ft Lauderdale was a Spark Market. No 800 coverage and GPS on my phone couldn't even place me on my street. However, It's nice to see my friend on US Cellular suffering with me. I would figure that they would have more LTE before they start throwing Spark on. I'm not sure 800 will be able to fix all the problem areas.
  14. Some 4G love at home on 9th and Morgan (Milwaukee); two years later than i was told, but I'll take it.
  15. It has been a mess. Him claiming a T-Mobile identity might be an effort alleviate competition concerns.
  16. 800 has been off for give or take the last 5 days around 6th and Oklahoma, it's back up.
  17. It was for this month. The person at the Sprint store said it was because the calendar was sent to me in my gmail account and when I tried to open it my phone doesn't recognize Office 365. The Samsung tablet on display did not recognize it either but the Itablet (or whatever they are called opened the attachment properly. Is this going to be changed? Did they skimp on the phone to make it cheap?
  18. Is it me or is it this phone? I downloaded my schedule on gmail. If I open the schedule up on my G2 the dates don't match the day. If I open the same attachment on my computer it matches up correctly. What's going on?
  19. They have been playing with my 800 signal the last two days. I get mine from 7th and Cleveland. Fingers crossed that it comes back on with LTE.
  20. Am I going to get the benefit of 800 voice/data 3G/4G on my G2 before Spark update is made?
  21. My alarm is automatically snoozing after it rings. This is not a good thing for me. I turned the snooze duration to zero, but it contintues to automatically go into snooze mode and rings again in 5 minutes. I don't get it.
  22. It only was a matter of time. Guess who's at it again.
  23. I now have 800 in my house and had LTE for a second around 9th and Morgan on my G2. .
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