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Posts posted by jeffcarp

  1. It looks like Good has gotten tired of the false information.  They just posted a rather definitive statement online https://community.good.com/docs/DOC-3986 that basically says you can cancel this "service" code with Sprint and it will have no impact on your use of the Good app whatsoever.  This seems to blow holes in much of what Sprint has been stating. That would suggest that this is not a service at all - that Sprint is basically just trying to capture revenue from the use of a particular app.  Sprint CSRs have been saying in the Sprint community forums that this is a charge from Good that Sprint is passing on.  That also appears to be false at this point. This one is getting away from Sprint and so far, not a peep from Marcelo on the issue on Twitter.  Not good.

  2. KD8JBF, that does not appear to be accurate.  There has been a very senior person at Good reaching out to various people on Twitter today who got the attention of Good's CEO.  Until Sprint provides a similar high-level response that refutes this, this is the most credible information we've seen yet by a long shot.


    Story: Internally, Sprint is laser focused on capturing revenue.  Sprint did not enforce various vaguely worded T&C's in their plans that could be read to infer that personal plans are only to be used for personal purposes.  These T&C's could give Sprint a way to force customers using their phones for business purposes into an enterprise plan.  All internet traffic for all Sprint customers who work for companies that use Good gets routed through Good's NOC.  Sprint can unquestionably see this large amount of traffic to the specific IP range associated with Good's NOC.  Sprint wants to recoup the cost associated with providing that kind of data pipe to one company.  There is no way to extract that money from Good.  Sprint realized they could enforce the T&Cs of their personal plans.  They have the technology to analyze the individual lines sending traffic to any of the Good NOC's IP addresses.  That is who got the letters.  Good does not tell Sprint who their customers are.


    The $15/mo surcharge makes up the revenue Sprint would gain by moving a customer to a business plan.  It's that simple. Good is not charging Sprint per customer to access their NOC.  According to the Good contact, mid-level talks with Sprint indicate they don't know what their competitors are doing, thinking they are all doing the same thing.  In fact, Good says that AT&T and TMobile quit doing this last year.  Verizon still has it on some plans but is stopping any surcharges Q1 2015.  Sprint is ADDING this 1/1/2015. We surmised together that this seems out of step with what Marcelo is trying to do and likely the issue hasn't  risen to his attention.


    Here is the interesting thing.  According to Good - this appears to be only a T&C and billing issue.  It is simply a code that is added to the account.  Good has in their contract with Sprint that Good reserves the right to protect THEIR customers access to all of Good's services.  He doesn't think that Sprint has the technology or resources to shut down individual accounts accessing Good's NOC but that isn't paying the $15/mo.  And if they did have that ability it would be in violation of Good's contract.  He said you can have the service removed from a billing perspective and it has no impact on the use of the Good app whatsoever.  You would be in violation of Sprint's T&C only.


    I think the only answer here is to get Marcelo's attention to this on Twitter.

  3. Could it be that Sprint (or any carrier) is being charged by Good for the direct connections made between the carrier network and Good's servers?  Didn't that happen with shortcode SMS alert services like sports scores and weather updates many years ago?  Are Good servers the path to our corporate server connection?


    This issue has caught the attention of Good's CEO on Twitter but no sign that Marcelo is in tune with it yet.  Good's CEO Christy Wyatt said "BYOD users can opt out. Good services will not be impacted."  As an individual employee with nothing to do with IT, I have NO idea what that means and Sprint doesn't either.


    I'd encourage everyone here to tweet Christy Wyatt and Marcelo professionally and ask them to provide specific information to explain what is going on.

  4. Sprint does it again, charging more for a device than Google. $696 for the 32 model when the 64 is $699 on Google play store. Sad.

    How is that sad? Google is in a position to give hardware away in order to further the use of Android. The carriers are in a position to make money to stay in business. Why would you expect a carrier to not have a profit margin on something they sell? Sprint could care less whether we buy a Nexus 6 or an LG G3 or a Samsung S5. They need to make money on all three.
    • Like 3
  5. Google has publicly stated that clearing data in Services Framework is a really bad idea. It causes the ID that is associated with your phone and your Google account to reset and can make apps unusable if they associate themselves with that number.

  6. Dave Ramsey is great but to follow him religiously makes one big assumption that isn't always the case. Not everyone cares about ensuring that every decision they make in life is financially optimal. People can be well positioned financially, without any unsecured debt at all, and still come to the conclusion that something like leasing a car is what they want to do. For them, they just might have a desire to get a new car every three years and don't want to spend the time and hassle of negotiating with a dealer for trade in value every 3 years. Whether that is the financially optimal way to drive a car or not is not their concern. Get over it and stop belittling their reasons for making that decision if they are financially successful.


    One principle of wealth accumulation that Dave Ramsey does not buy into is the idea of using other people's money. If I can secure assets like a house or a car with a debt instrument with an interest rate of 3% or 4% I'm better off putting that money elsewhere in the market where it will return 8% or more to me then I am to tie up that cash in an asset.


    Dave Ramsey seems to deal with people that have debt problems and associates debt of any kind with leading to an uncontrolled debt problem. That just isn't the case.

    • Like 6
  7. Does anyone have a situation where your G2 screen will wake up without any user intervention? I disabled the weather animation on the lockscreen thinking that was it but once in a while with the device just sitting on my desk I will see the screen wake up for 10 seconds or so and then go off.

  8. Well this phone seems like a beast. My 2 questions now are 1) true daily battery life 2) and a good case like a defender. I'd love to have a nexus 6 but can't go with out the defender case.


    Sent from my LG G3.

    In terms of your comment on true battery life, I've learned to love, trust and never buy a phone until I read the GSMArena battery test results for a device. Their reporting on 3 different battery metrics: talk time, web browsing and video playback with an overall endurance rating score continues to amaze me in how accurate it is for the devices that I've owned . Their test for the Nexus 5 accurately reflected my battery experiences with that device and the frustration that I was having related to general browsing. It also accurately describes the massive battery difference in the browsing category between the Nexus 5 and the LG G2. I ended up selling my Nexus 5 and buying the LG G2 based on their test results and I have not been disappointed. I actually went with the G2 over the G3 because their results show that the G3 took a step backwards in its battery performance for general web browsing.

  9. I don't think it is fair to suggest that G+ is a legitimate support channel at this point. At best it is an experiment.


    Their G+ team is a joke. They post stuff and then vanish. Most of the posts are filled with troll comments. Legitimate questions go unanswered. Heck, T-Mobile uses Sprint posts to recruit Sprint customers who don't get support from Sprint.


    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

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  10. When connecting the LG G2 to your car with Bluetooth does anyone have an issue prior to selecting an audio app on your phone that the phone keeps flashing "no music to play?" It doesn't seem to impact anything other than the annoying message. I either use Google Play Music or BeyondPod. I don't have any local mp3 files on the device so there is nothing for the stock Music app to play which I am sure is the source of this message. Any way to stop it?

  11. This is only a problem if you are fully integrated, correct? I'm not integrated but still have my GV texts and VM coming to Hangouts, plus have my Sprint phone using GV voicemail and I don't have any issues that I can tell.


    Guys - Important message from Google:



    Not sure when that went up, but they must know about the issue. This merger has been a disaster. How could they let this happen to Sprint integrated customers?

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