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Posts posted by jeffcarp

  1. Is anyone experiencing any time zone issues with their phone? I have my phone set so that the time and time zone is based on my network location. I do not have any other problems anywhere else but on this trip I have had four or five cases in the last two days of my phone switching from Pacific time to mountain time spontaneously. It always happens in the same location in Fremont California on this tower. I have been in the Bay Area for two days and have not had any issues on any other towers.


    Posted Image

  2. I had my N5 for about a month before I realized I had never had a voicemail icon appear. Checked my VM, and had 5 messages waiting. <_ moved to gv for vm only and haven looked back. the transcription is pretty awful but you can usually get gist of it i always listen if need be.>

    Totally agree. There is a little reason not to do the basic GV voicemail connection IMO. So much better in terms of the app, email and SMS notification than standard VM.

  3. Can this update be applied directly from the phone using the download link you just provided? I did the 4.4.1 update using the adb sideload procedure but I am not going to be in front of a computer for the rest of the week. Just wondering if I can get this installed somehow? I am stock and not rooted.

  4. I made a road trip this morning from Des Moines to Iowa City. I did not have very consistent LTE coverage on 80 with my Nexus 5. My phone stayed on 3G from Des Moines all the way until the Newton racetrack exit. At that point I put it in airplane mode and back again since I understood that I should have gotten LTE around Mitchellville. I did get a strong LTE signal at that point and it stayed that way for quite some time. However, it dropped again west of Iowa City and went back to 3G and now I am in Iowa City around the university area and it is 3G there as well. Around the football stadium I put my phone back in airplane mode and back again to see what happens and it grabbed a 3G signal and stayed there.

  5. For some of the reasons I outlined above.. it's too bloated, it doubles the number of rings for my voicemail to pick up, it logs all of my texts and calls on Google's site. I tried doing that "Google Voice Lite" for voicemail-only, but as soon as I put the app on my phone, it forces it to the full version because it identifies me as a Sprint customer and they have a partnership. Without the app, it's not very convenient to get the messages. I used it for 3 days and the transcription was surprisingly bad, otherwise I would skip the app and just use the text message notifications. Without the app or text transcription, I might as well just use the regular Sprint call-in voicemail.


    I realize GV is pretty powerful and has some great features, I just have no need for any of them myself.



    You can use the app on your phone as a Sprint customer without doing a full integration. I've done that on 2 of my phones personally and my other 3 family members do that as well. All you do when you install the app is hit skip when it gives you the setup choices and it will then install on your phone to be used only as a message retrieval.


    Can't help you in terms of it being bloated. I guess that's a personal preference thing.


    As far as the issue of it logging your calls and messages, I think you are over blowing that. Every carrier also logs everything you do on your phone the only difference with the Google Voice app is that they show it to you.

    • Like 1
  6. Any charger that supports 2.1 amps or more should do the trick pretty well.

    All of them are 2.1A. These are not 1 piece chargers but are separate chargers that you plug cables in to. Any time the phone is registering USB mode as the charging method it won't keep up with the GPS. In AC mode it is fine.

  7. Just returned from a business trip with the Nexus 5 and confirmed on a longer drive what I've suspected on my short work commutes at home. I cannot keep up with the battery dissipation with any car charger when using the GPS for navigation. I've tried 4 different car chargers all of which I have used successfully with my previous note 2. Not only do these not charge the battery but they don't even maintain the battery when the GPS is on. The battery drains about 2 percent every 15 minutes.


    While on my trip, I bought an AC inverter and plugged the phone into the inverter. In that situation, while using the GPS, the phone charged to 100% percent over the course of my 90 mile drive.


  8. My buddy shares a T-Mobile account with his N5 that he got directly from sprint. Also the 32gb activation issue had nothing to do with it being different, rather the imei just weren't updated into sprints system.

    Is he able to freely switch back and forth between Sprint and Tmobile sims without any service hiccups? Been reading some accounts of problems when going back to the Sprint sim after having the T mobile sim in.

  9. People in this thread have already said it is as simple of just swapping out Sims.


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

    I didn't read those as being based on personal experience. I read that as a logical comment on how it should theoretically work. I'm trying to hear from people that have done it.

  10. I've read a thread in another forum about a user saying that they are having issues gracefully switching sim cards between carriers. They claim to be activated and functional on a Sprint SIM, switch to a Tmobile SIM and then when they go back to the Sprint SIM they have no service. Does that make any logical sense to anyone? Is it as simple as doing a profile and PRL update each time you switch SIM cards? My daily driver is Sprint but I had planned to use a tmobile pay as you go SIM in a few isolated instances in the US and my onesimcard.com world SIM internationally for just voice and text but don't want to do that without my eyes wide open to any trouble that is going to cause me switching SIM cards.

  11. Des Moines metro is so data starved at this point that i would relish having ANY data, 3G or LTE. I really want to see what my iPhone can do in the wild.

    So sorry to say that I agree with you. It's been a long road being a loyal Sprint customer in Des Moines. If you see a guy using his smartphone at Jordan Creek with a Verizon Mifi in his pocket - that's me! Hopefully good times are ahead.

    • Like 1
  12. I totally agree on the note 10.1. If you don't need the handwriting capability then it is a little bit pricey though and I would probably personally wait for the Nexus 10. I want the handwriting though so the 10 .1 is the obvious choice for me and I love it. There is nothing that I do not like about this tablet so far. I also did not even consider the 7 inch version because I want the ability to write on a full size sheet of paper without having to scroll the screen.

  13. More than likely the brightness was turned up all the way, I noticed this myself when I first got the phone. I have my brightness at about 25 percent and it looks a lot better and is still very much usable in direct sunlight. With that being said though, I still think the screen on the One is still the best on the market.

    Love the app Lux for making my brightness auto regulated but precisely how I want it auto regulated.


  14. Sheesh, Sprint apologist here.


    What they should have done at a minimum was explain the issue in some sort of press release and when you buy the device from Sprint. The fact that they didn't has me believing that they were caught off guard. Because what company thinks it is a good strategy to simply ignore the issue and pretend like it's not there? (at least when these devices were launched)


    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4

    Disagree. Less than 0.1% of customers is going to have an ounce of knowledge to understand a press release like that. For the remainder they will get some calls of the LTE not working. The answer to them is that it is a known issue as part of the upgrades that are in progress and that it will be fixed. Most people will simply go away at that point. Where they do potentially have a problem is in the previously announced markets that are supposed to be done. Those people have a legitimate beef.


    You can't expect Sprint to run the company for the miniscule amount of people that frequent and understand a forum like this.

    • Like 1
  15. Even if all Samsung markets are non - incumbent markets in at least some of them, they don't appear to be turning on 4G sporadically any more. They seem to be doing a massive sweep across an entire market, delaying towers from going live that could go live until the entire market is ready with 4G and NV. If that happens, then if I understand this correctly, we won't experience the problem even if it is a non - incumbent market.

  16. So this post: http://www.s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/4989-LG-Google-Nexus-5-Users-Thread!#entry235703 has cracked the mystery as to why some people are having problems with LTE on the Nexus 5 and G2 and others are having no issues. As our market seems right on the edge of having a lot of 4G online in a matter of months what does the new information conveyed in that post mean for our market? We will experience the problem or not experience the problem?

  17. I completely understand where you are coming from, but if I purchase the phone thru Best Buy I have the "opportunity" to buy all kinds of other things that they do quite well on. Specifically, accessories that are always WAYYY over priced as well as their protection plan. I just don't understand the point of NOT price matching, you leave me no choice to purchase the phone elsewhere. $100 is a TON of money, especially considering they don't even sell the 32GB version. Oh well.

    I think that you are overlooking the idea that the average Joe doesn't even know to buy this phone on Google Play or even knows this phone just came out. For the common customer this phone will simply be one of many they decide between while browsing at a retailer. The techies have purchased the phone already. Retailer aren't in business to cater to techies. They are in business to cater to the 100 million people that aren't.

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