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Everything posted by kct1975

  1. Okay...so I could use some help here... I have an Airave, and my current smartphone is a Nexus 6. For the past several weeks, I have my phone completely refuses to connect to the Airave, even with the phone toggled to 3G Only. My Nexus 6 seems to be determined to connect to a Sprint site several miles away. Please let me know if anyone has any ideas on how to get my Nexus 6 to connect to the Airave.
  2. This is interesting... FCC investigates prices AT&T and Verizon charge Sprint and other rivals Sneaky contracts harm competition, businesses claim. http://arstechnica.com/business/2015/10/fcc-investigates-prices-att-and-verizon-charge-sprint-and-other-rivals/
  3. FIFY Yellow Submarine http://www.technologytell.com/thumber/?src=/wp-content/blogs.dir/5/files/2012/03/The-Beatles-Yellow-Submarine-300x243.jpg&w=400
  4. I completely agree! However, the weird thing is that my phone was showing strong LTE, on both the Stock Signal Bars indicator, and on Signal Check Pros signal bar indicator. So that is why I was suggesting either the towers were very congested or that there's something wrong with the LTE on the towers in Ocean City Maryland.
  5. I just wanted to mention that I too have some anecdotal evidence myself. When I was in Ocean City Maryland this summer there were several times when I was connected to LTE and I could not get any usable data so I had to toggle my phone to 3G Only, and the speeds were actually fairly good. My only guess was that either the LTE on the towers in Ocean City were messed up or they were severely congested. Either way 3G work great for me where as the LTE was pretty much useless the whole week I was in Ocean City MD.
  6. This is good news... Sprint to deploy 4G LTE service in 279 New York City subway stations http://www.androidcentral.com/sprint-deploy-4g-lte-service-279-new-york-city-subway-stations
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