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Everything posted by kct1975

  1. Thanks for posting that...That was really cool! [emoji41] I may get 'flamed' for saying this, but I kind of miss the old days of "One Bell System" It was a simpler time. I remember this commercial... Ohh well, enough reminiscing.
  2. Good for Sprint. I, however, don't like the implication that it seems at some point Sprint may ONLY offer Leasing for devices. Right now I am on an EasyPay plan for my Nexus 6. Personally I like the fact that, theoretically, at some point I will actually fully own my Nexus 6. I would not prefer to be on a Lease plan, because to me that seems to much like renting a phone.
  3. Personally I have to say that I am a sucker for the Cheddar Bay Biscuits [emoji2]
  4. Looks like Mr. Slaps Happy Legere is finally cracking down on Data Abusers... http://consumerist.com/2015/08/31/t-mobile-ceo-has-no-idea-what-people-are-doing-with-2-tb-of-mobile-data-vows-to-stop-them/ http://newsroom.t-mobile.com/issues-insights-blog/stopping-network-abusers.htm
  5. Personally I absolutely hate the new Verizon logo... I think that it looks absolutely boring and stupid. I agree that the new Verizon logo looks like it was simply created with Word Art. On the other hand, I actually like the new Google logo.
  6. Screw Extractor http://www.highlandwoodworking.com/index.aspx/ImageGallery/Index?productId=6425
  7. Just my personal experience... I have been a Nextel-Sprint customer since 2006, and I have always had pretty good service. Working at the company I currently work for in NoVA, from 2009 until about 2011, I had a company owned Blackberry on AT&T, and the service was decent at first. However, around the time that the company went to BYOD, in 2011, I noticed that both the data and voice services seemed to get worse and worse. Since the BYOD policy, I now use my personal device, on the Sprint network, and have no problems. Also, my other recent experience with AT&T is that my boss has an iPhone on AT&T. When she works remote from her home in Maryland, frequently it is really difficult to hear her or understand her, because her phone keeps cutting-in-and-out. Also sometimes her phone drops calls altogether. My point is that in my personal experience, it seems to me that while AT&T had a fairly good network in the DC/VA/MD area, the network has degraded, and AT&T has not really done anything to increase capacity or performance.
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