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Everything posted by kct1975

  1. Remembering back to when I had a HTC M8 or M7, and I saw the error previously, if I remember correctly someone on another forum found out that the problem seemed to be caused by one of the HTC core apps that had received a botched update. If memory serves, the problems went away when HTC issued an update patch. I think that is the only fix.
  2. I know that this is of no help, but when I had a a HTC M8, I got that error frequently at one point. When it happened the only real fix was, as you mentioned, a reboot. I have no other answer, but that at some point the problem seemed to have, cleared-up pn it's own. No real Rime—Or—Reason.
  3. I completely agree! I have a Nexus 6 phone, and because Sprint uses an older WiFi Calling technology, it won't work on the Nexus 6 at all.
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