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Everything posted by kct1975

  1. Thank You for posting that! Great Song! Mediocre Movie Okay...back on topic... Weird Al
  2. Thanks AJ! This is what I was trying to say. I think that the Nexus 6, since 6.0, is maintaining multiple reception, so that it can switch from LTE or WiFi to 1x for calls.
  3. You are absolutely correct! Since my phone was updated to 6.0 Marshmallow, I have noticed that when I am on my home WiFi, the phone correctly switches from WiFi, to 1x and the SCP doesn't show the LTE signal information while I am on the call. Once the call ends, however, SCP promptly shows the LTE signal information along with the 1x signal information.
  4. Apparently T-Mobile isn't as friendly as people might think... http://www.justiceattmobile.org/
  5. Mike, First, I just wanted to mention that I actually like the fact that SCP is showing both the 1x and the LTE info together. Personally, I actually consider it a feature, instead of a bug. Second, While you and everyone else on this forum knows that I am not that knowledgeable about the technical aspect of mobile phone signal, I personally think the reason for duel 1x and LTE is that it might have something to do with Android Marshmallow forcing the Nexus 6 to stay connected to 1x and LTE, which seems to be the Fix for the problem that the Nexus 6 had with receiving calls while connected to WiFi. Of course I could be wrong (and probability am), but that is just my thought.
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