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Everything posted by kct1975

  1. Deep Web https://qph.is.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-6cf307d37dcb6e3087e65e9b1254a1bd?convert_to_webp=true
  2. Hummmm...well I might just have to contact Sprint myself to have that done. The Airave that I have works, but it is kind of weak connection in several places in my house. A stronger connection would be great.
  3. If my memory is correct, the film on the HTC M8 camera lens, was some sort of Anti-Glare UV film. And, yes, it tended to peal off. The UV film started wearing off of the camera lens on my HTC M8, but luckily for me the area around the lens apture completely wore off, so my pictures came out fine. Others, however, had to wind up removing the remainder of the UV film by using a toothbrush and toothpaste.
  4. Sorry... Tapatalk ate part of my post [emoji19] I have fixed it.
  5. I had a similar situation... Recently I switched from the HTC M8 to the Nexus 6. When I originally got my HTC M8, a friend at work unlocked it and rooted it for me so that I could use apps like TiBu snd Ad Away. About a year later, I decided to switch to the Nexus 6, and sold my HTC M8 to a Mobile phone reseller company. I got a message from the company that they weren't able to activate the phone on Sprint, because it was unlocked. After a few emails back and forth, the reseller rep I was working with was able to 'call in a favor' and get the HTC M8 added back into the Sprint database, so that it could be activated. I decided to sell my HTC M8 to a Mobile Phone reseller. When they got my phone, they were unable to activate it on Sprint because the phone showed as 'Blocked' in the Sprint database. When I told the Mobile phone reseller rep that the phone had been rooted and unlocked, he figured that was the reason that the phone was blocked in the Sprint database. After a few emails back and forth between the rep and myself, the rep was able to 'call in a favor' from a coworker of his, and get the phone cleared in the Sprint database.
  6. Cool[emoji41] Even though I do not play them anymore, I still have my NES, with a ton of games, Atari 2600, with a ton of games, and an Intellevision, with several games.
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