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Posts posted by jonathanm1978

  1. It seems to be a previous search for "weather" and I think it is popping up at the same time each day..IF I happen to be using the phone when that particular time comes around. 

    It's like a Google Now card ...but gets annoying that I can't find out where to turn it off... 

  2. Usually I can figure out these things on my own..but this has me at a loss. 


    Randomly...when I unlock my phone, it will pop up google seach for weather..


    It's not Chrome...it's the google app popping up a search for weather. And it usually happens when I unlock the screen. Sometimes, it'll be a few seconds after I've unlocked and doing something, it will pop over top of whatever I have open at the time. Only happens a couple times a day, but it's annoying...anyone have ideas on why? 

  3. There's always a few people, prob under a hundred nationwide, who have a unique issue. Being able to modify band priority has in some cases, made people able to use their phone as expected. In a case where Sprint can't make a special prl just for one or two people (not that band priority is tied to prl).. Just saying... Being able to do these things can be helpful in getting an engineer to the root of a problem.. or seeing what exactly is happening, or just being handy in times that it should work properly.

  4. 9 minutes ago, shaferz said:

    Our iphones still seem to prefer to initially connect to the Macro network.  If I go to my basement and cycle airplane mode with the phone in a place where it only gets weak B26, the phone will nearly immediately hop onto the MB, and stay latched on until I go out of range (almost 1/2 a block!)  But unless I do that, our phones almost always stick in the macro network.  :-/  Hoping that at some point, a software fix is pushed (to either the phones or on the network side) that will make connecting to the MB a bit more preferred.  

    Example, if I am at home and connected to the MB, my phone immediately grabs the MACRO when the MB is out of range.   I would have thought that upon return home (or within some reasonable about of time for scanning) the phone would get handed back off to the MB.  MUCH stronger signal strength (1-2 'bars' of B25 on the Macro vs full bars of B41 on the Magic Box, ) so I'm not really sure at what point in time our phones should shift to the Magic Box.  We have been through 3 of the Magic Boxes, and each one acts like this.  MB Support seems to want to help at a high level, but the problem still hasnt been fixed.  Just dealing with it for now and hoping a future software update fixes things.

    Change the band priority to 1. 41 2. 25 3. 26...

  5. I actually saw the SSID on my magic box... Something made it boot loop and it wouldn't stop. Still unsure why, but after unplug for about thirty and plug back in, it decided to work properly again. But I saw the AU-545 ssid briefly. Came close to calling but that's when it began working again. Hasn't happened again yet... Is there something with these doing that?

  6. 1 hour ago, Maverick said:


    How does one go about getting a magic box?!

    I'm thinking they've closed off residential requests for now until they fill some of the orders. I know the link is around here somewhere, Google Sprint magic box, or try sprint.com/magicbox

    Currently, last I heard, it was business only...


  7. I think it's a very exciting time to be a Sprint customer. What would be better is if a merger is done and those TMO roaming bands turn into native. It should be rather easy and one of the first things upon a merger happening... Turn on band 12 and band 4 for us Sprint customers... Same for TMO. Turn on band 25,26 and 41 for them... U would think that happens within 6 months of the merger.

    Either way, I look forward to seeing what happens in the near future with Alabama. Seeing some sites go from GMO to full LTE...

    Then I'd like to see what happens to my Sprint stick with a merger.

  8. 30 minutes ago, BlueAngel said:

    They still have the Sprint firmware, you can flash the unlocked firmware. 

    I'd be happy with a better radio firmware. I still see the places where my note 5 was great on magic box reception and the note 8 doesn't pick up at all... Hopefully we get something soon.

  9. 26 minutes ago, david279 said:

    They may not count as a line but in the Sprint App there is a phone number associated with my Magic Box. 

    It's given a line on an account. I know this because I already had a magic box, on my residential account, and I requested a magic box for business location.


    The lady from MB support emailed me and said  "we need an account to link this business magic box to"...so I gave her my number, which already had a MB linked...

    She emailed me back and said that I couldn't use my account, because I already have a MB linked to my account, and needed to use a different account to link it to for the business MB. If it wasn't linked to an account (with a phone number, as shown below) then accounts would allow as many as you want to request within reason. I couldn't request one for home and one for business using the same account number..



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