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Everything posted by miguelfp1

  1. you should also check the dev community beforehand (if running custom ROMs is something you're interested in), and see if you like the dev's of one community better. I have the Evo LTE, really like it, and battery easily lasts throughout the day
  2. “@ErinHeatherton: http://t.co/zsQxKVl” // this is too funny !!

  3. THE best BBQ sauce (that you can get in PR!) http://t.co/8viwmr4

  4. it's hard waiting for deployment, considering the sorry state of the network in most places down here! dial-up speeds while on "3G", and phones getting stuck at 1x on other places. I hope they finish work ahead of schedule !!
  5. finamente, estoy hasta los putos cojones con el puñetero referendum !!


    #USA ! Truck Yeah!!

  7. God is great, #beer is good, and people are crazy !! http://t.co/bwLXQ9r

  8. thanks for all the info. I can't wait for the LTE sites to start going live, it's gonna be a great day when the little "4G" indicator appears on my phone, or at the very least, getting decent 3G speeds, the 150-200 Kbps I get aren't too useful.
  9. is there any info on where the 4G Core work is being performed? sounds like it's a big, centrally located facility, to be able to handle the equipment needed to handle the data traffic for the new NV sites.
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