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Everything posted by pyroscott

  1. That would be be a match made in heaven. I wonder if both companies would be smart enough to go for it... Then maybe once both companies move to VoLTE, and Sprint has paid off enough of NV to borrow more money, Deutsche Telekom can unload T-Mobile to Sprint.
  2. I wonder what they thought about my screen name, I'm probably on some watch list somewhere... Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk
  3. After you said that, I dug my old palm out of the technology black hole in my garage and sadly it didn't have ir... Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk
  4. They should have separate drivers for all the hardware so that the OS can be upgraded without having to rewrite the entire OS for each phone.
  5. Murtazin usually only comments on European/Asian related topics. I would assume he is talking about the international SII but I wouldn't think the US versions would be too far behind. It might take them a little time to figure out the WiMax on the Epic Touch...
  6. As far as I know, the FBI is still providing the investigation for security clearances and all that kind of stuff.
  7. Both, I bought a whole bunch of cheap chargers off Amazon and put them at work, home, the wife's work, my travel bag etc. Dual phone car charger in both vehicles and 4 spare batteries. I never run out of juice.
  8. Seems to be the trend. Good Mobile Messaging is scooping up contracts with government entities to allow corporate e-mail on iOS and Android handsets. It even allows employees without a corporate handset to install Good on their phone or tablet and access their e-mail.
  9. The FBI wrote up a 191 page report on the background of Steve Jobs when he was about to be appointed as George H.W. Bush's Export Council. Their report was not kind to the late Apple CEO. The FBI painted him as a drug-using liar with questionable ethics and morality. The FBI must not think too highly of our elected officials as they referred to Jobs saying he “possesses the qualities to assume a high level political position”. What are your thoughts on the late CEO who oversaw the introduction of one of the most revolutionary devices the mobile world has ever seen, but also swore to spend Apple's last dime to stomp out Android, sounding like a crazy, jealous ex lover. Read more: http://news.techeye.net/business/fbi-report-paints-jobs-as-amoral-drug-taking-liar#ixzz1lzef6aVY FBI report here http://vault.fbi.gov/steve-jobs/steve-jobs-part-01-of-01/view
  10. Eldar Murtazin, the same blogger that claimed that the Samsung Galaxy SIII would be unveiled at the MWC, has made another prediction about Samsung's Galaxy line of smartphones. This time, his prediction is a little less agressive and bold. Samsung has already said that they will be rolling out the Ice Cream Sandwich update to Galaxy SII (as well as Note and Tab models that will be updated) in the first quarter of 2012. In essence, he is moving the deadline up a couple months. We will see if Samsung can get the update pushed out that quickly and how long it takes after that for Samsung to update the AT&T, T-Mobile and Sprint Versions after the international version. For more: http://techcrunch.com/2012/02/10/murtazin-the-samsung-galaxy-s-ii-will-see-ice-cream-sandwich-on-march-1/
  11. Kindle fire is swiftly becoming the #2 tablet. With 4G streaming would work well. The main thing though, is that I don't know if businesses would use it. It seems like many of the 3G tablet sales are driven by businesses, and the kindle fire is aimed squarely at the budget conscious user that would be more apt to put service on a hotspot device than the tablet. The wildcard might be if Amazon buys data service wholesale and resells it with the kindle fire Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk
  12. That would be awesome if something like that could get instituted, but I can only imagine the battles to get it off the ground and then the battles to keep it updated with new network technology... Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk
  13. I agree, even though I am employed by the government, less involvement by the government is usually a good thing. One only needs to look at how AT&T and Verizon keep raising their rates and limiting services while Sprint and T-Mobile offer nationwide unlimited (sort of for tmo) at lower prices. If att and Verizon gobble up all the spectrum, they would be raising prices, limiting service and using the att death star to crush their puny opponents. Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk
  14. Awesome Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk
  15. That will be in the top 5... Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk
  16. It is exiting! I wouldn't expect them to release on the 15th but we could be 10 or so weeks away from LTE devices! Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk
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