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Everything posted by pyroscott

  1. It will be awesome. A tablet that fits in your pocket and can make calls. What's not to love about that? Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk
  2. Fall out? Sprint not happy about you outing San Francisco? Hmm, after I read what I just wrote, it sounds kinda bad... but I'm going with it anyway.
  3. that is really awesome. No wonder I google everything instead of askjeeves or hotbot Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk
  4. Hopefully I will be playing with a galaxy nexus tomorrow night... Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk
  5. I think the first time was from an app that I downloaded, but the second time was almost definitely corrupt info in go launcher. I like go launcher and go locker though. Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk
  6. They will probably award the patent to Apple because the patent office is owned by apple...
  7. Maybe they are looking for a Government bailout? Or China Mobile is installing the cards and they are flying back and forth from China with each card.
  8. Just think of how many LS2 potential customers would make the jump to Clearwire if they just fired up the LTE in those 75% of markets that just need a card swap... Maybe the card isn't manufactured yet, or isn't at their desired price point.
  9. It is really bad, I'm staying to think they are hiring executives from rim. Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk
  10. It seems that there is a new patent suit between device manufacturers every day with Apple leading the charge. Now a company called Intellectual Ventures is suing AT&T Sprint and T-Mobile for infringing on several of their collection of patents. Verizon is not in the suit because they are in liscensing argeements with Intellectual Ventures. This quote from their cheif litigation counsel is very generalized and I'm not sure if it is purposely simplified or if it speaks to the frivilous nature of the suit. “The carriers have wireless communication networks that are vast and are integrated,” said Melissa Finocchio, chief litigation counsel for Intellectual Ventures, in an interview. “We have many patents that cover various aspects of that telecommunications system.” http://allthingsd.com/20120216/patent-collector-intellectual-ventures-sues-att-sprint-and-t-mobile-for-infringement/
  11. Clearwire is once again asking for "substantial additional capital" to fund their business and build out their LTE-A network. With their movement out of the retail sale of their services, they are dependant on their wholesale customers, but the purchase of their WiMax wholesale has stagnated. They are unsure how much profit they will reap from WiMax over the next year and from their LTE network as they build it. Sprint's usage of WiMax will surely drop with LTE phones on the near horizon and could depress usage for quite some time if they don't support LTE on 2500. This will lead to a lot of lost revenue for Clearwire. They should be snapping up all the LS2 wholesale customers, but they might wait and weigh their options as Clearwire has not been an extremely stable company. http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/wireStory/clearwire-raise-money-15707626 http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/technology/clearwire-says-it-may-need-to-raise-more-money-near-term-due-to-uncertainty-on-revenue/2012/02/17/gIQA5sbZJR_story.html
  12. That is certainly a rabbit in a hat... I hope it works. Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk
  13. Well, at least it wasn't as bad as Verizon's network failures. Half of the EVDO coverage in Tampa FL went down for over an hour as an router failed at one of their wireless switches. Is this a precursor to more incidents? It sounds to me like a isolated incident. http://www.abcactionnews.com/dpp/news/region_tampa/sprint-outage-affects-half-of-tampa-market
  14. I came to the realization today that I use my phone less as a phone than as a mini tablet. I rarely make calls because I hate talking on the phone. The only times that I rely on the network for data I am getting awful data speeds, or if I need my phone to make calls for work, I am roaming. Verizon has 4G all over the place in my area and it will probably take sprint 7 years to upgrade the towers on my commute to 4G. I have WiFi at home and at my desk, but God forbit I leave either of those places or I can kiss data service goodbye.
  15. I've had it. It's worth an additional $45 to have phones that work. Buy one get one free RAZR MAXX and double data, here I come. Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk
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