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Everything posted by pyroscott

  1. The Kindle Fire has lit up the tablet market or at least the lower end of the tablet market. Amazon's strategy to introduce an inexpensive tablet to drive their own media sales and put them on the map has been a success so far. Will this be followed by the process of offering it through cell phone carriers? They certainly gained some serious market share quickly, with some analysts predicting that Amazon may have sold 6m Fires and it only makes sense that Amazon would want to increase the amount of connectivity to increase their profits on digital media considering that each Kindle Fire generates $136 in new income at Amazon Amazon may have held off on 3G/4G capability at launch to keep their costs down (3G in the iPad 2 adds $130 to the retail cost) and not have to deal with multiple models. There are rumors that we could see multiple sizes and multiple ways to connect to the internet. http://www.examiner.com/gadgets-in-atlanta/kindle-fire-owners-want-3g-4g-model-survey-says One thing is for sure, contrary to the complaints on the Amazon messageboard, Amazon will not be offering free 3G connectivity like it offers with some of its Kindle E-readers
  2. I think i'm dense, I didn't even consider apple. Honestly I was thinking a bar of soap... Ha ha Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk
  3. Or at least until VoLTE takes over Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk
  4. I like streaming pandora through my truck's bluetooth, but I get really slow speeds on my commute, so I don't think I use as much data. Plus I only drive one out of 4 weeks (thanks carpool). They also installed a wifi hub right outside my office door, so rather than roaming on Verizon at work, I have 10 Mbps wifi. I just have to go in to the browser and agree to the T&C for the wifi that it auto routes you to a couple times a day, whenever the data apps stop working.
  5. You have until Sunday to submit apps Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk
  6. I love the new website. For one, the background is less obvious that it is a non-work related website, so when my boss walks by, he doesn't know that I am farting off.
  7. Tapatalk is awesome! Well worth the 3 bucks. Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk
  8. The white Galaxy Nexus is set to hit UK shelves on Feb 13th. We know Sprint is getting the Nexus, but we don't know if the white Nexus will be released right away or if they will wait for a while like with the E4GT. If Sprint releases both a black and white version at the same time, which one would you go for? I might go for a different look than my last couple phones and go with the white one, but I would need to see both in person to make a binding decision.
  9. When 3G was first introduced, it seemed like battery life plummeted because 3G service was spotty and the phones were always trying to connect to 3G while they were already connected to 2G and voice. Now it seems that many LTE users are having troubles with LTE draining their batteries prematurely. 4G coverage has not developed fully and service is spotty. Unless the user wants to continually switch their 4G radio on and off, they face the decision of fast connection or battery life. Fast Phones, Dead Batteries points out that Android and windows phone manufacturers have the opportunity of offering LTE enabled handsets before Apple comes out with a LTE handset, but some buyers are shying away due to other buyer's complaints about spotty service and atrocious battery life. It will get better as more and more towers are converted to LTE, just like when 3G was rolled out. We will all have to suffer through it for now, or fall back on 3G speeds and shut off our LTE radio for now.
  10. Windows Phone 8 OS which is set to release around the same timeframe as Windows 8 for PCs will add support for many things that were desired from previous versions. Skype, multiple core processors, NFC chips are among a few additions. Four different screen sizes will also be supported allowing the OS to be used on tablets and different sized handsets. With Sprint wanting their LTE handsets to have NFC, this all makes sense for Sprint to pull some WP8 handsets out of their hat later this year. http://www.rethink-w...creen-sizes.htm
  11. I will also wait for at least a beta. I'm pretty happy with calk Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk
  12. How about Microsoft releases a stable full of high priority updates? Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk
  13. It was a different survey done by vocalabs. I also saw the jd power results had sprint second. Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk
  14. I was just typing that article, but I prefer that title. My original one was "drunken Android using zombie saved by backup battery, iPhone using zombie sleeps on park bench" Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk
  15. I actually found myself suggesting that someone buy a playbook because of the ability to run Android apps (and the fact that the price is down to around $240)
  16. Migrated from Original Forum. Originally Posted 5 February 2012 I was talking to my brothers in law last night at the basketball game and none of them had any idea what LTE or VoLTE is. When I said it is coming in 2013 and they will eventually have to upgrade their phones. 2 have iphones and the other has an Evo. The two with the iPhones were not pleased with the upgrade requirement. That market could be more difficult to transfer over than the feature phones. IPhones are expensive, even with an upgrade, and Verizon just started carrying the iPhone, so there are a lot of customers with newish iPhones that will not be happy with a mandate to upgrade. Who knows, maybe by that time the iPhone 5 will be free with upgrade like how AT&T offers the 3GS...
  17. Migrated from Original Forum. Originally Posted 4 February 2012 I was in batteries plus buying a 4 wheeler battery, and there was a lady buying a new battery for her 10+ year old nokia. People are going to react to VoLTE with anger at first. They are going to have to offer feature phones for free with free activation and ship them to some people.
  18. Migrated from Original Forum. Originally Posted 5 February 2012 I used to use 2 to 3 gigs of data per month, but since I started using wifi more, it is down to about 700k. What does everyone else use per month?
  19. Migrated from Original Forum. Originally Posted 4 February 2012 I wonder if they had to train the employees how to be firm. It seemed like 5 or so years ago, when I called CS they would be happy to help and adjust things like text overages or data overages. I had a phone that sat in a drawer as a backup. There was no data plan on it because I didn't use it. I left it on because I wanted to get voicemail etc on it, but somehow I kept getting charged for data usage. I called every month and they took the charges off until one month it was near $70 in data usage. I had to be escalated to management because it must have been over their threshold for reversing charges. Eventually I had to give the manager the ultimatum that they 1. reverse the charges and completely disable text and data from that line or 2. they needed to cancel my plan and I would pay the bill, overages and ETF and kiss Sprint goodbye for good. He took 1 and I never saw an overage for that line again. I gave the same ultimatum to a manager over a $35 charge in January and they transferred me to the cancelation department. Either they called my bluff, or they really needed that $35. Maybe they told the managers that any balance adjustments come out of their checks. I was impressed that the manager I talked to, after I got off the phone with cancelations telling them that I needed to find a new carrier and port my number out, called me back and found where some of the charges came from. Apparently they credited $21 the month prior knowing that I would be overcharged and it was only $4 that was "unexplained" I told him that I would eat the $4 rather than spend another 45 minutes on the phone but that I wouldn't tolerate it again and that I probably would not be porting my number. It is kind of comparing apples to oranges, but they really seem to be running things tighter.
  20. Migrated from Original Forum. Originally Posted 2 February 2012 Last year Sprint had the top spot in the customer service satisfaction poll. This year they dropped 2 places to third, while ATT moved to #1 and verizon stayed at #2. I personally can attest to this fact as I have called customer service several times and they were not very helpful and borderline combative. They argued with me about a $4 charge that they couldn't explain where it came from. If you really need the $4, take it I guess, but don't expect to get it again or you will also be getting an ETF from me as I move to another carrier. Anyone else have good or bad luck with customer service?
  21. Migrated from Original Forum. Originally Posted 4 February 2012 True, it is nice to know that you are (almost) always covered as long as you are somewhere near civilization. I roam at work, but I could give up roaming for my daily routine, it would stink when I travel though.
  22. Migrated from Original Forum. Originally Posted 3 February 2012 I took my monthly average for talk and text, without data, and it would cost me $22 a month. Almost makes me curoius how much of my data usage could be offloaded to WiFi...
  23. Migrated from Original Forum. Originally Posted 3 February 2012 Some of us may have used Tucows for downloading shareware/freeware, but they have ventured into the prepaid cellular market with "Ting", a prepaid network operating on the Sprint network. The current flagship of the Ting line is the Motorola Photon which will offer 4G WiMax data in a pay for what you use format that tops out at $60 for 3 gigabytes, but tethering and hotspot capability are included in the plan. There are 2 other WiMax phones, a few non-WiMax spartphones and a couple feature phones. Wireless minutes and text messages are inexpensive if you are not a heavy user and Ting will automatically insert you in the category that fits best. Sadly, your Sprint phone will not transfer over to this network, customers will have to purchase one of their (currently 8) phones to use on the network. More info at phandroid http://phandroid.com...on-with-sprint/ or Tinghttps://ting.com/
  24. Migrated from Original Forum. Originally Posted 2 February 2012 I'm ton on this, because I want higher capacity batteries, but I really like the ability to have 2 or 3 cheap spare batteries and be able to go anywhere and not worry about finding a power source at some point. Things like music festivals, pub crawls etc. I was at a pub crawl and "somehow" had trouble finding my hotel. My battery died as I was trying to call friends to get directions. Spare battery to the rescue. there are things made to allow portable charging, but it is just more convenient to pop in another battery. Plus the hard reset thing...I know the manufacturer claims that there is a hard reset by holding the power button or power+volume, but it worries me that it would be a lot easier to permabrick my phone, and have to bring it to a service center if I can't remove the battery and restart into bootloader.
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