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Everything posted by JAndThatsIt

  1. Feisty is a turn-on.

  2. Hello, is it me your looking for.I can see it in your eyes.I can see it in your smile.(In my Lionel Ritchie voice)

  3. I might have to have red meat for the first time in four months tonight.

  4. What would suck is if Peyton got hurt in the preseason and missed the entire season again. Talk about all your eggs in one basket.

  5. Looking at my accounts I've been getting my @rickyrozay on and #BMF.

  6. Cock is such a vulgar word.

  7. How alive are you willing to be?

  8. “@RatchetCentral Eat That Pleighboi http://t.co/xdmg8qsU” When I first saw this I didn't even see him back there.

  9. About to hit the gym up.

  10. Messed around and let Jim get me beside myself.

  11. Some people have no idea how to talk to people to get what they want. You catch more bees with honey than vinegar. #justsayin

  12. “@eddiemerlots Grilled Spicy Very Rare Steak Salad #recipe http://t.co/oJIgOjyj” I am going to make this tomorrow for dinner. Thanks!

  13. You can't break your contract sir. You signed on the dotted line. Sorry. Nothing that can be done about it.

  14. The gym is a ghost town after midnight. I got a close locker, didn't have to wait to use equipment, & no one could hear my bad singing, lol.

  15. I hate when I'm playing NCAA football and the analyst is talking sh!t about me going for it on 4th and two. Can I live? Damn.

  16. “@iLikeGirlsDaily I can't believe this "skirt" http://t.co/LhNZgvYD” Are those filled? At least she was being safe.

  17. “@So80s_ItsCrazy @JPrinze28 http://t.co/JXYP0ib6 http://t.co/0SD2fIvl” Happier everyday I had a boy. I don't envy either of you.

  18. I saw the map that shows the current coverage and the expected coverage. I don't care so much about seeing potential furture sites. Just what has already been announced here. What I was looking for was a map that consolidates all of the information you have provided for us on one map instead of several. For example, a map that shows all of what you have announced for the entire state of California, instead of having to look at each markets map. Does this make sense? Is there already a map that shows this?
  19. Robert, Is it poossible to get a map of the country that shows each Network Vision site instead of looking at each map individually? Or do you have this map on the site already and I missed it? Justin
  20. Some ice cream would be nice.


    http://t.co/dRBh95pA the calm before the storm.

  22. If you wake up in the car in front of your place at 10 am after a night of kicking it, does that mean you went hard the night before?

  23. Wish you would not have went to Cincinnati last night.

  24. I wish you weren't in Cincinnati.

  25. Got adultnapped by my.boys. Had a #Jeezy kind of night.

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